New Black Library: Hunger, Horusian Wars, & Hydras

BL CoverMore great books are here from GW this week, as Hunger, Horusian Wars 2, and Sons of the Hydra headline the lore side of things from the Black Library.

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

Hunger (Audiobook): $9.99hunger


A Flesh Tearers audio drama

Aboard the confines of an ancient space hulk, the Flesh Tearers engage in a brutal struggle against a horde of alien genestealers – and their own nature. Can Gabriel Seth manage to stave off the Black Rage long enough to survive?

It’s a fascinating look at the monster within the man, as Andy Smillie once again shows his mastery of what makes the Flesh Tearers tick.

Aboard the confines of an ancient space hulk, Seth and his Flesh Tearers engage in a brutal struggle against a horde of alien genestealers and their own natures. A hunger drives these warriors of the Blood, one matched by their alien aggressors. Hope remains while the Flesh Tearers can hold onto their honour, but what is the truth that lurks at the heart of this derelict ship and will Seth manage to stave off the rage long enough to discover it?

Written by Andy Smillie.

Horusian Wars: Incarnation: $27.00BLPROCESSEDTheHorusianWarsIncarnationcover


Book 2 in the Horusian Wars series

Inquisitor Covenant’s quest to stop a sect of renegade Inquisitors continues as he battles to deny their sinister design on an Imperial shrine world wreathed in darkness. As his foes seek to raise a Living Saint, Covenant must do the unthinkable…

The epic story that began in Resurrection continues as Covenant faces a challenge that will test him body and soul.

Darkness approaches Dominicus Prime, a literal Season of Night that brings with it portents, madness and strange happenings. Standing alone as a beacon against the darkness is the Monastery of the Last Candle, a temple to the holy light of the Emperor. As the bishops and the cardinals vie for power and influence, a crisis looms among the Pilgrim Drift who are starving in their droves. Discord is rife and there are whispers of a rising cult, one committed to blood and horror. Into this political powder keg comes Inquisitor Covenant and his followers. Drawn to the shrineworld by the prescience of the Emperor’s Tarot, they come seeking the agents of the Triumverate, a sect of Horusians bent on power themselves. It is the belief of Covenant that these radicals seek an incarnation, nothing less than a divine vessel, a living saint. To what end, he can only surmise, but Covenant knows it cannot bode well. He must deny the Horusians at any cost. The fate of the very sector may be determined by it.

Written by Chris Wraight

Sons of the Hydra (Paperback): $16.00



Alpha legionnaire Occam the Untrue leads his warband out of its hunting grounds in the Maelstrom on an epic quest for salvation, not just for himself, but for his whole Legion.

It’s a novel about the sneakiest and most oblique of traitors, written by Rob Sanders, master of the twisty-turny tale. It’s sure to make your head spin…

In the hostile universe of the 41st millennium, where allegiances are ever fickle, few of the Emperor’s sons are more difficult to understand or predict than the Alpha Legion. Branded traitor since the Heresy, their motives and actions have always been shrouded in mystery. Alpha Legionnaire Occam the Untrue leads his warband out of its hunting grounds in the Maelstrom on an epic quest for salvation, not just for himself, but for his whole Legion. With the forces of the Inquisition snapping at their heels, Occam and his followers must use all their guile and considerable martial prowess as they make their way to the cold heart of the galaxy, to a confrontation that no one, least of all Occam himself, could have foreseen.

Written by Rob Sanders

These upcoming releases are going to be a must for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library and check back next week for the latest.

More from Black Library