New Black Library: Liber Chaotica, Gotrek & More

By Tim Roberts | June 9th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Black Library, Warhammer 40k News


Even more great books are here from Black Library, as Liber Chaotica, Gotrek & Felix, and more headline the lore side of things this week from GW!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

Space Wolf: 20th Anniversary Edition: $ 8.99


It’s a Black Library classic, and the start of a six-book series that delves into the early life of Ragnar Blackmane. Discover his past, his pack and the deeds that led him to glory and fame. In the 20 years that have passed since its release, its appeal has only grown, and this new edition is the perfect celebration of that.

Liber Chaotica:  $ 65.00


In the grim fantasy world of Warhammer, the only constant was Chaos. The four great powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – bestrode the world, sending their countless servants to enact their twisted schemes. Among these servants are mortal men lured onto dark paths, mutant beastmen who lurk in the dark places of the world, and daemons, living manifestations of the Chaos Gods’ will. In Liber Chaotica, you will discover the natures of each of the gods, and what they offer the weak and unwary to draw them into their service. You’ll see the madness that lurks behind the veil and witness the horrors that the Dark Gods bring. This is your ultimate guide to Chaos in the world-that-was.

Liber Chaotica Volume 1: Khorne
Liber Chaotica Volume 2: Slaanesh
Liber Chaotica Volume 3: Nurgle
Liber Chaotica Volume 4: Tzeentch
Liber Chaotica: Chaos Undivided

Written by Marijan von Staufer and Richard Williams

Gotrek & Felix: The Third Omnibus: $ 18.99


Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers?

The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask…
Escaping from a horde of enemies, Gotrek and Felix stumble into a network of ancient magical tunnels and emerge on the mist-shrouded isle of Albion, where old foes are hatching a deadly plan. In the far south, the Slayer aids a dwarf prince against the orcs and goblins who have seized his hold. And when they meet their old friend, the dwarf engineer Malakai Makaisson, the heroes uncover a sinister plot to sabotage a dwarf airship and aid the forces of Chaos in their war with the Empire.

Giantslayer by William King
Redhand’s Daughter by William King
Orcslayer by Nathan Long
Manslayer by Nathan Long
The Oberwald Ripper by L J Goulding
Red Snow by Nathan Long
Last Orders by Andy Smillie

These upcoming releases are going to be a must have for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library and check back next week for the latest.