New Black Library: No Hero, Price of Duty & More

By Tim Roberts | June 23rd, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Black Library, Warhammer 40k News

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Even more great books are here from Black Library, as No Hero, Blessed Oblivion, Price of Duty and more headline the lore side of things this week from GW!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

No Hero: $ 3.99


The battle on Vardan IV has been an absolute disaster for the Imperium. Two million soldiers of the Astra Militarum have died among the jungles of the world, lost to the fury of a horde of vicious alien orks. For one trooper, escape from the slaughterhouse seems assured – until a disaster puts him back in the heart of the enemy, with just a handful of allies. Has the Emperor spared them for a purpose, or does their future contain only horror and death?

Written by Peter McLean

The Price of Duty:  $ 3.99


Jasper Nevin is a commissar… and he is afraid. Not even the rigorous and brutal teachings of the Schola Progenium have truly shaken the fear from him, and as he faces rebel soldiers, fear takes him. But in truth, it is not Nevin’s enemies who scare him the most, but the troopers who it is his responsibility to shepherd… the warriors of the Catachan 64th. With his authority in tatters and the Catachans rarely more than a moment from violence, Nevin faces an uncertain future…

Written by Matt Smith

Blessed Oblivion:  $ 3.99

BLPROCESSED-AoS-Blessed-Oblivion-cover (1)

Klytos, Liberator of the Celestial Vindicators, has died many times. Reforged each time upon the Anvil of Apotheosis and returned to his brothers to fight again in the name of Sigmar, death holds no fear for him… save one. With each reforging, more of his past ebbs away. Names and faces of those he once loved. Memories of the deeds he committed. Each death robs him of this and more. When a chance encounter with an agent of the Darkling Covens offers him a chance to restore his fractured memories, Klytos seizes it… but at what cost?

Written by Dale Lucas

These upcoming releases are going to be a must have for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library and check back next week for the latest.