New Black Library Quick Read Now Available!

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Come take a look at the new quick read that just became available from Black Library. You’re not going to want to miss Scythes of the Emperor.

Warhammer Community just announced the new quick read eShort Scythes of the Emperor: Terminal Velocity. Let’s take a look at Black Library’s preview.

Terminal Velocity eShort $ 1.99

Terminal Velocity cover


A Scythes of the Emperor story

A lone battle-brother ejects from his wrecked dropship and plummets to certain death on the battlefield below. Can he find a way to survive, or will he join the roll of dead Scythes of the Emperor?

It’s entirely unlike any other Space Marines story you’ve read. After all, when a warrior can’t rely on his skill at arms to save him, what then does he have to call on?

In the skies over Brakur IV, war rages. The tyranids of Hive Fleet Kraken have achieved air-superiority over the Imperial defenders, disrupting what should have been a simple extraction mission for the Scythes of the Emperor – and a lone battle-brother plunges from his wrecked dropship towards the planet’s surface. With his life expectancy now measured only in seconds, he must find a way to slow his deadly freefall, or become just another name on a staggering list of fallen Chapter heroes…

Written by L J Goulding

This looks like it will make for a good read for your morning coffee or if you have a couple minutes to spare throughout your day. Head on over to Black library and pick your copy up today, and find out if the lone battle-brother will make it to the ground alive or not.

black library shelf

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”