New Cadian Imperial Guard Plastic Kit (well, sort of)

While it’s not a totally new kit, GW previewed new Imperial Guard Plastics in the way of an upgrade sprue for the Cadians.

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

New Cadian Imperial Guard Plastic Kit (well, sort of)

Warhammer Fest Online

All next week, from Monday to Saturday, we’ll be packing each day with reveals of brand new things coming to Warhammer, as well as hearing from some of the teams behind them. It’ll be just like you’re there in person, watching the panels live. 

Each day will be themed around one particular part of the Warhammer hobby, so check the schedule below and find out when your favorite games are coming up. Trust us when we say you’ll want to see everything anyway – there are some spectacular reveals on the way.

Warhammer Fest Online 3You can tune in to Warhammer Community from Monday 3rd May to see all of the reveals as they happen from 6 pm (BST) onwards, or catch them live on Twitch.

People got excited by the new Gaunt’s Ghosts minis and the thoughts of new IG minis hit their minds. Unfortunately, at this point at least, it looks like this may be it for the infantry. Still, you get all the special weapons and they said this will come standard in all the boxes.

Let’s first take a look at the Ghosts and then jump into the new upgrade sprues.

GW Announces Plastic Imperial Guard Gaunt’s Ghosts

This was honestly a little bit of a surprise, but a totally welcomed one! If you love the novels or the old minis, this is amazing news! While not every character is in the set, they all look great and can be taken in any Guard army.

Again, they also said it won’t be a “limited release”, but we’ll see how that turns out when it comes to pass.

Gaunt’s Ghosts

Gaunts ghosts 2 rIf you read any of the books, well, this is a no-brainer! The minis all look amazing and capture the essence of each character. It feels like a plastic kit for them has been a long time coming and we are super excited it’s finally here. The Tanith First and Only have finally made the jump to plastic and 9th edition.

Gaunts ghosts rIf you’re not familiar, Gaunt’s Ghosts are the protagonists of the long-running series depicting the trials and tribulations of Ibram Gaunt and his ill-fated Astra Militarum regiment. Faithful readers of the books no doubt have a soft spot for the original cast who served as their Colonel-Commissar’s most trusted retainers. 

Well, they’re back! They’ve been redesigned in plastic to create a reimagined set of miniatures that really brings each of the key characters from the early Gaunt’s Ghosts books to life.

Upgrade Sprue

Cadian Upgrade SprueThere’s a whole lot more variety in the ranks of Humanity’s infantry than you might think. It seems only right, then, that your units on the tabletop have just as many differences between them, which is why boxes of Cadian Shock Troops will soon be upgraded with a whole new sprue of additional parts.

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It definitely adds some variety to the troops, but the minis are still basically very old sculpts (the sprue still says 2001). Still, it’s better than nothing and they do really look different from the originals.

Cadian Upgrade SprueThat’s not all they’re getting, either. The new sprue contains a full complement of special weapons for your Infantry squads, allowing you to field soldiers carrying sniper rifles, meltaguns, and more. You can even give your Sergeant that boltgun they’ve always wanted.

Really the best thing about this set, you get all the special weapons! So whatever you can equip the unit with, they’ll finally have the options in one box set.

Well except for a heavy weapon team, but we guess the GW presenters forgot about them…

Were you hoping for a new set? Do you like the look of the upgrade sprue? 

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