NEW CHAOS – 4 Daemon Warlord Trait Charts Spotted

By Rob Baer | February 10th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

daemonette close up

Chaos just got another power up! Come see the awesome new Daemon Warlord traits all four Gods of Chaos are getting in Curse of the Wulfen!

Images via Captain Citadel 2-10-2016

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You get a trait, and you, and you….

Holy cow some of these traits are good. Tzeentch is up to his old ways again, harnessing warp charge on 3+, which when combo-ed with the rumored wargear that let’s you know all powers of that discipline, seems pretty good!

Khorne does Khorne things, but Nurgle seems to be bringing the heat with a faux invisibility at 7″. Slaaenesh brings up the rear so to speak with some descent benefits and auras that may combo out well with some of the formations and such from the CotW book.

Even Daemon rules for a captive Chaos audience! Now questions is what are the datasheets will we see included?

Curse of the Wulfen New Rules Roundup

(Click for info throughout the day)

Wulfen Are People Too – Long War Episode 37