New Chaos Daemon Prince: Unboxing

By Travis Pasch | January 30th, 2023 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

daemon-prince-unboxing-and-buildDon’t miss our unboxing and build for the new plastic Chaos Daemon Prince as we show you how you can magnetize yours!

Rob is back unboxing the newest release for Warhammer 40k, which has been nearly 20 years in the making. He’ll see what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, show you the model’s size and how to magnetize both the AoS/40k versions, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

New Chaos Daemon Prince: Unboxing & Build

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming 

New Chaos Daemon Prince 2This is a pretty cool model, but it does run for $80, so just keep that in mind! Rob talks a lot about the price in the video, so check that out to get all his thoughts!

Daemon Price Instructions For 40k & Age of Sigmar

New Chaos Daemon Prince 3You can build two different army styles for the AoS one, but there is only one arm option when building the 40k one.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 5The Daemon Prince is a very interesting model, as you sort of build up the superstructure of the body first, then add on what feet you want to get a particular pose. The neck pieces are slightly different and will change the positioning of the right arm that holds either the sword or axe.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 6Once you get that built, you have to choose arms, as one set will mainly be for Warhammer 40k or Sigmar specifically. Then, if you glue the AoS arm bracers on, you are stuck into picking one weapon, the weapons don’t make a huge difference for rules, but it’s nice to have more options.

New Chaos Daemon Prince 4Rob didn’t have enough time to magnetize all this as it would take a while, and he lost a lot of time figuring out how to make it actually work. However, here is where you have to start magnetizing. So watch the video for all the details to get the specifics.

We get all our magnets for hobbying from The Magnet Baron. Use coupon code Spikey10off to get 10% off your next order with them!

New Chaos Daemon Prince 5One last thing to note, for the AoS version, you can leave the front plates off as you’re building it. However, for the 40k version, you will have to attach everything at this stage as the tubes wrap around to the back of the model.


Slaves to Darkness Army Box 11The Daemon Prince is really highly-detailed, and it does look amazing right down to the textured wings! As we said, though, it is expensive, but at least it looks great! 

Daemon Prince Build

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 19So, don’t make the mistake Rob did here. He built up a lot of the body, and with the rest of the pieces glued down, it makes putting the magnets in for the wings much harder. He recommends putting a 1/4″ magnet behind every hole in the back. Then use a small ferrous metal sheet on the trophy racks because they are curved if you don’t want wings on your model.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 21For the wings, you probably want to use a 3/16″ magnet where he has the drill pointed. However, there are different bonuses for having wings or not, so magnetizing would be a good idea.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 22For the 40k version, you want to use the skull armor plate on the chest; it also has a few tube bits you throw on after it’s glued down.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 23Then, for the Chaos backpack, you could also put a 1/4″ magnet in there (note the tube bits that mount around the torso from the front armor place).

New Chaos Daemon Prince 6Moving onto the right army, you need the different neck/chest section bit, but with the way you have to glue this there, magnetizing it would be hard.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 24This would be the left arm bit for the Warhammer 40k, and you would then also have to add one of two hands at the end.  Check out the video for which pieces are in this assembly.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 25Unfortunately, this can’t be a 40k version because the arms have to be totally different, as the chest piece is actually a different bit. Magnetizing that far back in the process for the video just doesn’t seem very doable.

It doesn’t matter a ton in 40k if you have an axe, but who knows how the rules will change?  You can easily use a 1/8″ magnet for the arm weapons if you’d like though.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 26The shoulder pads can all mount however you wish using the notches.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 27You could also magnetize the heads with 1/8″ magnets, but it’s probably unnecessary as you’ll probably know which particular Chaos gods’ head to use.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 28Just make sure you have the instructions handy, so you know which bits to use for the neck, as they look similar but will make a difference if you want to do AoS or 40k versions or change up the pose.

New Chaos Daemon Prince 7Lastly, for the right arm, use this contraption instead of the AoS arm with bracers if you want to go with the 40k version.

Assembled AoS Version

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 29He actually looks really awesome when built up!

Slaves to Darkness Army Box 30There are a ton of details all over the model and a lot of bits accessory-wise to attach after you decide which games system you will build it for.

New Chaos Daemon Prince 8He obviously makes the Primaris look small!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the details!

Click Here to Get Your New Chaos Daemon Prince!

What do you think of this unboxing and build for the new Chaos Daemon Prince? 

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