New Chaos Death Guard Marines Finally Spotted!

death guard nurgle chaos hor

Yesterday we got our first look at the Primaris Space Marines, and today we’re already getting a look at one of the new Chaos Death Guard minis.

Stay Frosty Studios apparently got some pics during his visit to Warhammer World, where got the opportunity to put together some new Primaris Space Marines, (which we saw yesterday).

Stay Frosty Mark X

Primaris Mark X Marines built 5 months ago at warhammer studios:) more cool pics coming soon

Sporting plasma rifles this picture really sparked an interest in the future of this new generation of Space Marines because GW seemed to hint that there would be no special weapons for these guys. However that plasma weapon above is clearly visible in this art they releases yesterday as well:

Primaris Space Marines

But we saw enough of them yesterday.

What about the Death Guard? Well, Stay Frosty Studios posted a pic of the one of the new Death Guard minis, and it’s sure to get people talking again. This thing looks amazing!

Death Guard 8th

New death guard marine took this pic at warhammer studio

You can see the disease spreading over the entirety of this model, alongside the spike growing through the shoulder pad, and bells on every inch of the model. There really is no mistaking that this guy is Death Guard. But what’s at the top of the backpack? Are we looking at a new generation of Plague Censers spreading the disease everywhere they go? Let’s be honest, who doesn’t enjoy a good plague?

What are your thoughts on the new Death Guard model? Has it kick started those 8th edition juices? .

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