New Chaos Death Guard Tank, Hidden In Plain Sight?

death guard assault 01 by zompfThe announcement of new Death Guard was huge at this year’s Adepticon. Did Games Workshop show us a new tank as well, that was hidden in plain sight?

The new Death Guard video may be holding an interesting hidden gem. a new Tank! See if you can spot it!

Did you spot it? Well let us show you what we found in the bottom right corner of this picture around :04 into the video.

Death Guard Tanks

Seems a little dark, so let’s brighten it up a little bit.Death Guard Tank Bright

Could this be the image of new tanks coming our way for the Death Guard? Maybe a two part kit no less for perhaps an APC and or a Plague Mortar weapon system of sorts?

I also love that front prow as well. No matter what it is, they look intimidating.

And before you dismiss this as purely coincidental… when was the last time you saw GW publish supplement artwork that didn’t contain real actual models. We can’t remember the last time ourselves….

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

With the announcement of the new Death Guard at Adepticon we’re sure to start finding out more in the near future, be sure to check back in with us for the latest updates. In case you missed our coverage of the Death Guard announcement from Adepticon here it is:

Checkout Adepticon’s website for the full even line-up list, and checkout the links below for our last eight years of covering the event from the hobby trenches, it’s been a blast.

Adepticon 2017 Coverage
