New Chaos Emperor’s Children & Black Legion Rumors Spotted

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We’ve been hearing rumors of new Chaos Slaaneshi and Black Legion models, plus more exciting things coming to beleaguered Vigilus. Check out the latest!

Slaanesh’s Daemons may not be the only faction getting some love.

A couple of new rumors were spotted that Emperor’s Children could be getting some updates along with Slaanesh as well as some Black Legion popping up in Vigilus.

REMEMBER: These are Rumors: Take everything with a grain of salt.

don't try it at home rumors

New Chaos Emperor’s Children & Black Legion Rumors Spotted

New Chaos Emperor's Children & Black Legion Rumors Spotted

As Seen On Faeit

Emperor’s Children – GW has been at work on an Emperor’s Children release. There will be new models but no word on what the new models are. However, stylistically, they draw on the work of David De Abreu. He’s a designer for Games Workshop and keeps a personal blog.

The way the style was described to me is: – lots of reliefs – ornate and detailed – many daemon faces and jewels sculpted into flat surfaces – emphasis on helmets and faces.

SIDE NOTE: According to the blog post itself, David De Abreu (AKA Daoude) does not work for Games Workshop, thought the “rumor” seems to indicate otherwise.

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maxime post

Rumors aside, check out the artwork from the leskouzes blog, It’s full of Slaaneshi goodness:

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Black Legion in Vigilus Rumors

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If you’ve been keeping track with what’s been happening on Vigilus, the planet serves as a bastion for the Imperium and has been dealing with a vicious threat of multiple Xenos incursions. Tooth and Claw, Speed Freeks, and Wake the Dead have all been based around Vigilus itself.

What would the Black Legion be doing there?

As Seen On Faeit

Vigilus / Black Legion – Black Legion will make an appearance in the Vigilus campaign. Any new rules for Black Legion will be for specific models.

So it sounds like there could be some kind of new units for the Black Legion/Chaos in general or else the person would have no reason to mention “new rules”.

Will it be a part of a box set in the future? We can only take shots in the dark until a more reliable source brings forth even more rumors around Vigilus/Black Legion.

What do you think about the rumors for Emperor’s Children/ Black Legion? Have you converted a Knight to fit the Chaos gods?  Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.