Chaos, GK & Primaris White Dwarf Review

By James Rodriguez | August 7th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

White Dwarf Aug 2017 Post

The White Dwarf has returned with more news on the Primaris Marines releases, codices, hobby articles, and more!

August White Dwarf is here with tons of features on all the new models, but is it slim on the content you want?

No doubt you have already seen some of the pages of this month’s White Dwarf. They were not hard to miss as they gave us a preview of what releases are coming next week. We got to see the new Primaris kits, the Chaos and Grey Knight codices, Grand Master Voldus character pack, and more. But what else is inside this month’s issue? Is it worth picking up your own copy? Here is a quick and dirty review to give you the you need on what you can expect to see in this month’s issue.

For our complete review, be sure to scroll down and press play on the full video below.

White Dwarf 2017 contents

It has been a full year since the White Dwarf returned to its monthly release format. It has not been a smooth year, as subscribers in the States have experienced issues of not receiving their copy on time. Apologies were given and refunds were given out if requested. Hopefully this next year will see an improvement in service. Now, this month’s issue feels more like a filler issue than the previous ones. Their is not a whole lot of hobby content in this issue. It appears to be centered around more of an advertising focus, which is understandable given the amount of content we are expecting to see this month. So, if you read the White Dwarf for the hobby aspect of it, you may want to pass on this issue.

Dreadknight kitbash

As for the contents, the battle report inside has four armies that were used at Adepticon 2017 to see how they perform now. The Space Marine Challenge has 6 ‘Eavy Metal painters square off to give a Primaris a kitbash and winning paint job. Speaking of kitbashing, there is an impressive kitbash tutorial in here that converts a Grey Knight Grand Master in Dreadknight. This month’s Paint Splatter article goes over the tips and tricks to paint a Grey Knight Terminator.

White Dwarf August 2017: $9

White Dwarf 2017 Aug

Is that salvation on the horizon for the Imperium? Why, yes – in the shape of a new issue of White Dwarf. And not only that, but with it a raft of new Primaris Space Marines. We’ve got your in-depth guide in Designers’ Notes, and – wait for it – the return of Index Astartes! After that, six of ’Eavy Metal’s finest tackle the new Space Marines in our stunning ’Eavy Metal Space Marine Challenge. But it’s not all Space Marines. The first of a new generation of codexes arrive with us this month, and we take a look at what’s in store in Damned Tomes & Ancient Pages. Elsewhere, Tactica Imperialis takes a look at stratagems, Pete Foley talks tournaments in the General’s Almanack before putting his money where his mouth is in this month’s battle report, Illuminations enters the Mortal Realms and much, much more.

The August 2017 White Dwarf is available now online and in local Games Workshop stores. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty unboxing video below for the full review.

For more on the White Dwarf and all things Warhammer 40k, visit Games Workshop!