New Chaos Heads & Bits From Artel W

Chaos heads artel w feature rGet your Marines and CSM forces looking amazing with the Chaos heads from Artel W- Check out the latest bits!

The hobby maniacs at Artel W are not stopping on their quest to make some of the coolest minis out there! Of course, they not only make minis but awesome bits as well. If you’ve been looking to add some flavor to your Marines, then these are the perfect addition!

These are also just the newest heads, so if you don’t see your style, be sure to check out everything they have to offer.

While all of their minis are awesome, heads are a cheap option to upgrade your army and get a cool converted look in seconds! Chaos doesn’t get too much love from GW but Artel puts out really cool stuff for them on a pretty regular schedule.

If you want to see their latest Chaos release, check it out here. For now, though, let’s check out the heads.

Galactic Knights Egypt Style Helmets: $8.00

Chaos head artel wHmm, we wonder what faction these are for (you can guess, don’t worry)? Well, either way, they are pretty awesome and will really set your minis apart and make some conversions super easy. For the price, these are just such an easy pickup and will make for a super fun painting challenge. If you love all things Artel W, check what else they have going on.

Let’s hear what they have to say about the set:

  • Brand: KFStudio
  • Type: Bits and Parts
  • Collection/Faction: Bits and Accessories from KFStudio

Set of 5 Egypt Style helmets for 28mm-32mm scale miniatures.

Designed and produced by KFStudio

Galactic Knights Skull Helmets: $6.00

Chaos head artel w 2With these only being 6 bucks, they would be perfect for a lot of Chaos armies, and a few loyalist ones as well. Here’s what they have to say about the set:

  • Brand: KFStudio
  • Type: Bits and Parts
  • Collection/Faction: Bits and Accessories from KFStudio

Set of 5 Skull helmets for 28mm-32mm scale miniatures.

Designed and produced by KFStudio

That does it for this one, just some really cool bits from a great company!

Get Your Chaos Heads Here!