New Chaos Khorne Rules from Wrath & Rapture Spotted

bloodletter hor wal khorne

Khorne is getting some new-old units in the Wrath & Rapture box as well. Let’s take a look at what kind of stats these units will have!

Games Workshop dropped a preview on the Khorne Daemons inside the Wrath & Rapture box right after they previewed the Slaanesh half. Let’s check out the latest units of the Chaos god of rage and war incarnate!

Karanak- The Named Flesh Hound

Karanak 1

Karanak isn’t getting any changes to 40k. However, for AoS, his bite attacks have tripled with his savage maws.

karanak attacks

It does make sense after all. He’s got three heads. Looking at this from a gameplay standpoint, six attacks doing D3 damage a pop can really put a-hurtin’ on something. Remember, damage spills over.

prey for the blood god

Karanak hates Wizards and wants to hunt down Heroes as a trophy to the Blood God. He’s still keeping his current Brass Collar of Bloody Vengeance and Prey of the Blood God abilities. However, he’s coming with a token in Wrath & Rapture to throw on an enemy character as his “prey”.

unflagging hunter

To make Karanak more oppressive, GW also gave him the ability to reroll failed charge rolls. This really adds a level of fluff to show a massive three-headed beast thrashing through the ranks of Warriors B-lining it straight to his Prey.

call of the hunt

Of course, with being a named Flesh Hound, he has to have a pack of lesser hounds with him at all times. (It just makes sense). Karanak can still call in a unit of five Flesh Hounds at the end of any movement phase once per battle. It just so happens that the box comes with five Flesh Hounds.

Flesh Hounds in Aos & 40k

wrath and rapture

Flesh Hounds are coming with a new leader in the unit called the Gore Hound.  He’ll be able to make an extra attack called the Burning Roar.

flesh hound new rules

This is nothing game breaking by any means, but it does hit on a 2+ which is a rare occurrence in AoS outside of any special characters.

flesh hound new rules 40k

As for 40k, the new ranged attack is nice because it has a decent chance at picking a single model off…but like we said, nothing super flashy.


khorne wrath and rapture


bloodcrusher stats

Bloodcrushers are still the classic battering ram unit for Khorne and are getting beefed up to four wounds a piece in 40k as they are in AoS. Their rules and other stats all look to be kept the same.

A Word on Bloodletters


It’s been confirmed that ten Bloodletters are coming inside Wrath & Rapture. With that said, you shouldn’t stop there. If you do end up splitting the Box Set with a friend, your next purchases should be even more Bloodletters. They can chew through any kind of armor and only get more potent when you have large numbers.

They are only T3 so they can get swept off the board in a single round of shooting. Your opponent will do whatever he can to stop them from touching his units so you’ll have to bring numbers and play tricky to close the gap, like deepstriking them 9″ away.

Khorne Daemons look to be getting a welcome buff. With Karanak getting four more attacks in AoS and Bloodcrushers getting bulked up to four wounds a piece, Khorne is pleased. What do you think about the previews so far?

Are you going to play Khorne or Slaanesh in the box? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.