New Chaos Pads & Chaincannon Bits From Kromlech!

By Tim Roberts | September 29th, 2019 | Categories: BITS, Kromlech, Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k News

Chaos Legionary Shoulder Pads: Demon Visage

Come and see a great way to turn your Chaos Marines up to 10, with these new cannon and shoulder bits from the hobby maniacs at Kromlech.

The creative team at Kromlech has bits for any hobby project under the sun. Their top-notch team is creating new bits every week just like these.

Chaos Legionary Shoulder Pads: Demon Visage: 6,99 €

Chaos Legionary Shoulder Pads: Demon Visage

This set contains 10 high-quality resin Chaos Legionary Shoulder Pads: Demon Visage. Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale, heavy armored models. Please note that this product fits standard and prime size legionaries models.

Master model by Robert Kurek.

Chaos Legionary Reaper Minigun: 9,99 €

Chaos Legionary Reaper Minigun

This set contains four (4) high-quality resin Chaos Legionary Reaper Miniguns designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale heavy armored troopers.

Master model by Robert Kurek.

These new bits are a great way to upgrade your hobby arsenal in the name of your favorite Chaos God! Make sure you visit Bits of War and secure your set today!