New Chaos Rules – WD #113 First Look

By Rob Baer | March 25th, 2016 | Categories: Product Review, Videos, Warhammer 40k News, White Dwarf

drop pod golden demon

Come see the new rules for Chaos Aos Bloodbound miniatures, and some sweet reader / Golden Demon painted models as well in our WD #113 first look!

This may be the week to skip the White Dwarf folks because besides some showcases on painted miniatures and the new Bloodbound rules, there really isn’t any meat to go with this issue’s potatoes.


That drop pod Golden Demon Entry looks pretty sick though, and kudos to them for actually drilling out the model it self to make bases out of!

White Dwarf #113 $4


It’s time for Chaos to descend over both the mortal realms and White Dwarf this week, as some new Bloodbound heroes join the fray in the Age of Sigmar. Three new champions of Khorne join the fun, along with the usual assortment of features you come to expect from this most excellent of weekly hobby magazines:

– the new Exalted Deathbringer, Aspiring Deathbringer and Slaughterpriest miniatures take centre stage, with extensive features and Warscrolls for each;
– Grand Alliance: Order makes its presence felt – they explain what it is, what it’s got in and why you need it;
– Forge World debut some stunning Space Marines weapon sets;
– a very special Readers’ Models;
– a bit of a chat with Neil Hollis about his award-winning Golden Demon diorama;
– the usual comment, opinion and reaction from The Week In White Dwarf

New Chaos Rules – WD #113 First Look

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