New Chaos Helmet Bits from Pop Goes the Monkey!

Feature New Chaos Heads rThe new Chaos helmet bits from Pop Goes the Monkey will set your army apart and let them represent some ancient Marines!

Pop Goes the Monkey is always coming out with some of the coolest minis and bits on the market! They basically have something for every faction out there and all kinds of games. If you’ve been looking to upgrade your army, they are a great place to start.

This time around they are adding a whole host of heads to make your Chaos Space Marines stand out and give them a little old-school feel. There are some ancient Marines who have been terrorizing the galaxy for ages, why not play out their campaigns? Enough of this talking, let’s jump into the bits!

10x Warped-Donnero Tusk Helms: $13.99

New Chaos Marine HeadsYou get 9 of the regular heads and one with the plume to really make your leaders stand out. This is an affordable way to make your dudes stand above the rest, and maybe they’ll gore some Imperial servants on those giant tusks!  If you love what Pop Goes the Monkey is up to, check out some of their other stuff here! These will also fit on both sizes of Marines, so even if you wanted to throws these on some still loyal marines, you can.

10x Skull Marked – Donnero Helms: $12.99

New Chaos Marine Heads 2These guys have decided to forgo the tusks for more practical reasons. It can’t be easy to fight with giant tusks sticking off your face! These are just another great option to convert your army in one easy step.

10x Elite – Donnero Helms: $13.99

New Chaos Marine Heads 3This option is perfect to denote who is the best in your army, or maybe just the squad you love the most. Because let’s be honest, not everyone can get such pretty plumes.

That does it for this one! Just some super fun heads to change up the look and feel of your army with!

Get Your Chaos Space Marine Heads Here!