New 40k Codex Drukhari FAQ & Errata

gw-faq-dark-eldar-drukhariThey are already dominating the tabletops, and now Codex Drukhari has an FAQ!  Here’s what changed.

If you play the game, it’s always good to know what is changing! You can download the full thing here, but we’ll highlight some of the changes for you. This is the first 40k codex FAQ since Dark Angels, which was about a month ago.

A lot of it is just wording changes to make the rules easier to read, but there are some actual changes as well. With things like stratagems going down in points, VP changes, and tons more. Let’s get into all the changes!

Keep in mind this does not cover the Chardon Book of rust which released the same week but hasn’t seen a FAQ yet. Players are looking perhaps for a change to the Cult of Strife’s Razorflail Succubus combo.

But for now, that appears to be next week’s news… so here we go with the Drukhari codex.

New Codex Drukhari FAQ & Errata

codex drukhari faqPretty much all of these are changing the wording or some things for clarity. Things like the Master Nemesine and single FAQ really help to make the rules crystal clear, if they aren’t they are bound to cause issues with someone.

These simple changes are always easy and help make games go smoother so you spend less time talking about rules instead of playing.

For now, it looks like the Dark Eldar will continue to dominate tabletops, as hobbyists await the results of the 250+ players at the Dallas Open GT this weekend.

Are you excited for some rules to get clarified? Have you been playing the new Drukhari?

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