New Custodes and Sisters of Silence – Tips & Tactics

sisters of silence

Craving a deeper look into the rules for new Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence from Games Workshop? Then you’ll love this!

Today we bring you some Tips & Tactics on the new Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence! Take a look!

sisters of silence custodes tips tactics

First, we will take a look at the Appendix for the Custodes. Under Special Wargear is the Custodes Vexilla which gives all friendly units within 12″ of the bearer the Fearless special rule and in addition all models in the same unit as the bearer have +1 Attack whilst the bearer is alive. But what we really want to show you from this Appendix is the Guardian Spear. This Strength +1, AP 2, Two-handed melee weapon with the Block special rule that allows for an attempt to block a single attack during the assault phase. This ability can be used Once per turn which according to the rulebook allows it to be used in each player’s turn.

sisters of silence custodes tips tactics

The Custodian Guard Squad may be better than any Terminator out there! They come in at only 42 points each which is way less than any other Terminator and they have a lot of potential to put out damage since the Shield-Captain gets 6 attacks on the charge and 21 attacks from the rest of the unit at strength 6 AP2. Now that is some incredible damage coming out of just 5 models.

sisters of silence custodes tips tactics

Sisters of Silence has the Bane of Psykers special rule which grants them Precision Shots and Precision Strikes special rules when targeting an enemy Psyker or the unit that contains a Psyker. They also have the Psychic Abomination special rule which makes all Psykers, friend of foe, within 12″ have -3 Leadership, and they do not generate any Warp Charge. But one thing to keep in mind is the Psychic Abomination special rule does not apply whilst the unit with this special rule is embarked in a transport.

Perhaps best of all is the fact they cost about half the points of a Culuxus assassin, and you can slot them in just as one squad based on their formation!

sisters of silence custodes tips tactics

Up to five models can be added to the Sisters of Silence unit for only 15 points a model. This is another unit that is very cheap to take and having them on the first will be a bane for a lot of models out there.

If you want to see some army ideas and to hear everything we have to say about these units, check out this video right here.

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