Codex Chapter’s Primaris Marines Spotted In WD

Primaris Space MarinesThe new White Dwarf is already making it to a few lucky hobbyist’s doors, and inside are some nicely painted Primaris Marines, based on the codex chapters.

The latest White Dwarf images were spotted over at Broken Dice Gods, and there’s a lot of them… Space Marines that is. We’re seeing a lot of Primaris Marines, one for each chapter. But, we can’t tell if these are new models, or just conversions from the ‘Eavy Metal section. Maybe these are made with all the bits that come in the new multi-part Intercessor kit that goes on sale this week?

You be the judge:

Space Marine WD Space Marine WD Space Marine WD Space Marine WD Space Marine WD

The models look amazing and the artists that worked on these have a lot of talent. There’s a couple pictures that have the “Eavy Metal” in the top left corner which is leading us to believe that these are indeed ‘Eavy Metal pictures, but we’ll let you make that call. There’s a lot more to be seen from the new White Dwarf, and  Broken Dice Gods has a all the pics to hold you over until you’re holding one in your hands.

So what do you think about these models from the latest White Dwarf? Just ‘Eavy Metal work, or are any of these going to become new models for Space Marine players? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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