New Dark Age Design Sci-Fi Main Battle Tank STL Has Arrived!

New Dark Age Design Sci-Fi Main Battle Tank STL Has Arrived!This new Dark Age Design Sci-Fi MBT (Main Battle Tank) antigrav tank STL is a great alternative for the Primaris Repulsor Executioner or Land Raider!

Dark Age Design is always coming out with some of the best alternative STL files on the market. Of course, the newest project is no different and will make a great addition to your army. Especially with this being an STL, you can just make as many as you want!

While this is just the STL for these, we still have the ATV and Sidecar in the store as physical prints as well. But for now, let’s focus on this new STL from Dark Age Design!

Sci-Fi MBT STL From Dark Age Design

scifi MBT 5This just looks so sweet! And for the low price, you can start printing out your own fleet of tanks! The detail on every little inch is really amazing and this matches up perfectly in size with the many other tanks.

With the price of the hobby increasing, it’s always awesome to see great content creators like Dark Age Design out here making such incredible products.

scifi MBT 2Your opponent will be quaking in their boots when they see so many antigrav machines coming right at them! Below are the renders, but they look great when printed out as well.

scifi MBT 3It’s always fun to have stuff like this in your army because people love seeing such wild minis on the tabletop. Best part is that for the most part unless you’re playing in an “official” GW tournament, most people don’t care at all about cool alternatives like this.

scifi MBT 4The only question is, how many will you print out once you grab the file?

That does it for this one, just a super sweet little 3D printing treat for all the Space Marine players out there!

Click Here To Get The Sci-Fi MBT STL Files Here!

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