New Dark Angels? Asmodai, Namaan, & Belial Oh My!

By Rob Baer | December 1st, 2012 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

More rumors were swirling this week about the new Dark Angels release that we are closing in on!

Apparently we will be treated to a few new plastic box sets, as well as new characters in early 2013!

I am definitely down with a full codex release instead of the “White Dwarf” treatment that’s for sure!

Hmmm I wonder if its time for me to pull out my old Angels of Vengeance codex from second edition and roll some video… what do you think?

From Faeit 212

I had not posted this earlier, simply because it was so similar to what we already had for a rumored release. However, I think its very valid to at least get post this up on what the rumored releases will be for Dark Angels coming January.

Please remember that these are rumors. This was posted up on Bols a couple days ago.

via Stickmonkey on Bols
Expected Dark Angels Launch miniatures:
Deathwing Box
Ravenwing Box
Dark Angels Powered Armor Box
Mystery Large Vehicle

3 New Characters:
…existing characters moved to finecast.

Dark Angels receive a Full codex – not a White Dwarf update.