NEW DATASLATES – Blood Angels & Flesh Tearers

By Rob Baer | December 21st, 2014 | Categories: Blood Angels, Shield of Baal, Warhammer 40k News

Blood_angels_wp_baal_by_voldreth-d49800f - Copy

Haven’t gotten the new Exterminatus book yet? That’s okay we got the complete summary of all the new formations, traits, and relics for the Blood Angels and Flesh Tearers!

Thanks to our friends over at Waaagh Gaming for this compilation. I’ve attempted to translate them to English.


Armed Forces of the Blood Angels

Banner of the Arch Angel Host:
A terminator assault squad may carry this banner. Units in 12 “radius may repeat moral and holding down tests and friendly models of the Blood Angels fraction in the unit standard bearer have nemesis . Archangel’s Edge: A Terminator Sergeant shall be of this weapon. S carriers, DS3, melee, Grant Killer Grant Killer: Wound of 6 against Monstrous Creatures cause off immediately . The Executioner’s Hood: Only for Librarians. The support is from the shadow of the Warp not affected.

Talents of the warlords:
the first The warlord is Fearless .
. 2 The warlord and his unit have counter-attack .
. 3 The warlord may re-hit rolls in a challenge.
. 4 The warlord and his unit have Objective Secured .
. 5 The warlord and all units in 12 “radius around the warlords must repeat moral and holding down tests.
. 6 The warlord has archenemy .

Archangels Demi Company:

  • 1 Captain or Captain Karlaen or 1 Chaplains (The Captain / religious priests must wear a Terminator armor)
  • Furioso Dreadnought 2
  • 5 units in any combination of the following list (Terminator squad, Terminator Assault Squad, Protector Guard Vanguard Veterans)

Special Rules:
The entire formation is unyielding .
Reserve throws for units that may come as a shock troops into the game to be repeated.
In addition, the units only 1d6 inches deviate from the shocks.
If this formation is the main contingent should the trash on the warlord table are repeated.

Archangels Sanguine Wing:

  • 2 units Vanguard Veterans (must consist of 10 models and jump packs carry)
  • 1 unit Protector Guard (must consist of 10 models)
  • 1 Storm Raven Gunship

Special Rules:
. The unit Protector Guard has the game on board the Storm Raven begin
. The two units Vanguard Veterans have to start the game as shock troops
. It is a single reserve throw for the entire formation performed, which may also be repeated in
the two units Vanguard Veterans  allowed per model a obtain individual energy weapon or -klaue as a free upgrade.
The unit Protector Guard may receive a single model per combo weapon as a free upgrade.

Archangels orbital Intervention Force:

  • 3 units Terminator squads or Terminator Assault Squad (in any combination)

Special Rules:
The entire formation must start game in reserve and used as shock troops into play. It is performed a single reserve throw for the entire formation.
The units of this formation may race and shooting after they come as shock troops into play.

Armed Forces of the Flesh Tearers

Bones of Baelsor:
Only for Dreadnoughts. Dreadnought with Bones of Baelsor treat the damage results crew stunned shaken as a crew.
hit by Bio-plasma, Bio-Plasmic Cannons or Venom Cannons of Tyranids (I hope could decipher correctly) caused, be regarded as glancing blows. Slayer’s Wrath: . As for characters who have access to the Relics of Baal Slayer’s Wrath replace the bolt pistol or bolter. 24 “S1 DS5, rapid fire, Masterful, poison 2+ : Shield of Cretacia not only for characters who have access to the Relics of Baal but for models in Terminator armor. The sign gives a 3+ armor save, and attacks with a weapon poison have no effect on the wearer

Talents of the warlords:
the first The warlord and his unit have hatred .
. 2 The warlord has romp .
. 3 The warlord and his unit have low blare .
. 4 The warlord and all units in 12 “radius around the warlords have Crusaders .
. 5 The warlord and his unit have berserk .
. 6 The warlord has injury ignore .

Flesh Tearers Strikeforce: 
1 HQ
1 Standard
1 storm

1 HQ
3 Standard
3 Elite
5 storm
3 Support
1 Attachment
1 Lord of War

Special Rules:
If this formation is the main contingent should the trash on the warlord table are repeated.
Each unit that has more than 10 “made in their attack range in the attack on berserk .

Lysios Relief Force:

  • Gabriel Seth
  • 1 Tactical Squad
  • 1 unit Vanguard Veterans
  • 1 Baal Predator
  • 1 Predator
  • 1 Storm Raven Gunship

Special Rules:
The entire lineup has Crusaders .
The entire lineup starts the game in reserve and there is only one reserve throw for the entire formation performed.
All non-vehicle units of this formation that do not have the special rule shock troops or jump troops, must the game begin on board a transport vehicle, but not in a Drop Pod.

Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force:

  • 3 Tactical Squads
  • 1 Assautl Squad
  • 1 unit Vanguard Veterans
  • 1 Furioso Dreadnought

Special Rules:
As long as the Vanguard Veterans is on the field, the units of this formation does not suffer the penalty of a random attack and all units are unyielding .
The units of this formation will receive a bonus of +1 initiative (I hope I was able to decipher correctly) if they carry out an attack. If you perform a random attack is considered the initiative bonus only when the unit is Vanguard Veterans alive.

Strikeforce Mortalis:

  • 1 Chaplains
  • 3 units of Death Company
  • 2 Death Company Dreadnoughts-
  • 1 Storm Raven Gunship

Special Rules:
The entire formation has Crusaders .
Death Company models of this formation that does not rage gets +1 attack have in the fight to lower phase when the melee more enemy models are involved as friendly.

Checkout the rest of Exterminatus below in our latest video review!