New Death Guard 40k FAQ & Errata

death-guard-wal-hor-title-2Don’t get too worried, the new Death Guard FAQ is very small, but there are some significant changes to be found.

GW hasn’t been really giving updates on Warhammer Community when the FAQs go live, so you kind of have to just keep checking back. But, generally, a few weeks after a new book comes out, so does the subsequent FAQ. This one is small enough for us to show everything right here, but if you want to download it for yourself, you can here.

While this isn’t huge, there are a couple of changes in there that make a big difference in-game. While it won’t change the playstyle too much, it does mean Inexorable Advance is not quite what many people thought it was. Let’s get into it!

GW Drops New Death Guard FAQ & Errata

Death Guard FAQThe biggest change comes in the way of IA. Because it only ignores things when the actual move characteristic is affected, so something like terrain that doesn’t change the stat will still slow them. While this doesn’t seem too crazy, it opens the door for many other options to reduce their move. Before it felt like you could just move across the battlefield without fear of any terrain, not anymore. Basically, this just means you can move and ignore things for shooting, but anything that changes dice rolls or distance (not the characteristic) will still catch you.

This also gives something like the Tangle Foot Grenade the ability to still reduce the charge because it doesn’t actually change their move characteristic, it reduces charge distance by a dice roll. So it wouldn’t change anything in the movement phase (because it changes the move characteristic) but would in the charge phase.

This opens up another can of worms because things in different codexes are worded differently. So, when something says charge distance or move distance, and not move characteristic, this FAQ points that IA wouldn’t save them.  If you ask us, this still seems unclear!

Anyway… Moving on from that, the Death Guard Daemon Prince no longer has the Lord of the Death Guard keyword. This is strange to throw in the codex and then immediately take it out, but it looks like fielding multiples of this model is back on the menu here?

Lastly, Flash Outbreak now selects one Plague Company unit in the army.

What do you think about the changes?

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