New Desert Raiders From Kromlech Make Perfect Tallarn Alternatives!

Tallarn alternativesThe new Desert Raiders from Kromlech make for the perfect Imperial Guard Tallarn alternatives- check out what you can score!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis and bits on the market! They are worth looking into if you haven’t checked them out before. This time though, we’ll focus on their latest release that will let you go old school with a classic IG regiment! 

These will let you go back to an iconic time without spending a fortune on the secondary market! 

Kromlech has tons of bits that are perfect for 40k, so even if these aren’t up your alley, they probably have something else you would love. For now, though, let’s get into the new minis! 

Desert Raiders Infantry Squad: $37.36

Tallarn alternatives 3These models are just so incredible and some of the most excellent alternatives we’ve ever seen for the Desert Raiders! They are also on sale right now, but they won’t stay at this price for long, so don’t sit around and miss out!

Desert Raiders are sturdy, battle-hardened soldiers of the Imperial Guard that serve on a planet completely covered in sand. From the time the lethal forces of Daemons invaded their homeworld, they’re still leading a never-ending war using hit-and-run guerilla tactics.

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This set of high-quality resin parts is enough to make a Desert Raiders Infantry Squad consisting of ten miniatures: nine Desert Raiders Guardsmen and one Sergeant. Heads and bodies have unique designs. Various special weapons available for Guardsmen (Flamethrower, Sniper Rifle, Magma Gun, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Gun, Thunder Rifle) and a Sergeant (Chain Sword, Power Sword, Power Fist, Las Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Thunder Pistol).

Desert Raiders Command Squad: $37.36

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This set contains one Desert Raiders Command Squad consisting of five uniquely designed miniatures: Desert Raiders Commander, Standard Bearer, Field Medic, Comms Specialist, and Veteran. Various anti-vehicle and anti-infantry weapons included along with comms backpack.

Gargoyle Flamer Walking Tank: $54.95

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Tallarn alternatives 2They actually have four different walker tanks; they are all the same price but have various weaponry, as you can see above!

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This set contains one Gargoyle Flamer Walking Tank – a fast vehicle of Imperial Guardsmen designed to be unmatched in short-range fire exchanges, with a variety of deadly weapons: three turret options – Flamethrower Cannon, Magma Cannon, and Acid Spray Cannon – as well as secondary, hull-mounted weaponry.

If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out everything else they have also been releasing here! That does it for this one; now go get some excellent bits!

Click Here to Get Your Tallarn Alternatives!