New DKoK, Orks & 40k Kill Team Next Week!

new-death-korps-of-krieg-kill-teamCheck out all the new Death Korps of Krieg, Orks, and all the Kill Team releases that are going on pre-order next week!

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new releases for pre-order this coming Saturday. Let’s go over the line-up starting with the new Kill Team box set featuring the new Death Korps of Krieg models from Warhammer Community.

It looks like this will be a two-week pre-order window, similar to how Dominion and Indomitus were for the launches of those game lines as well.

kill team banner

New Kill Team Box Set

kill team octarius whats in the box

Excited to get your hands on Kill Team: Octarius? You won’t have to wait long – pre-orders will be available in August, and you’ll want to keep an eye out as the boxed set is available only while stocks last (don’t worry if you miss it though, as all of the models will be available on their own shortly after). In the meantime, stay tuned to Warhammer Community for more in-depth looks at Kill Team: Octarius as we get closer to pre-order day.

Look to order this next month, and perhaps more conveniently, the models will be out “shortly” after as well. Pretty cool if hobbyists don’t have to worry about missing out on this box, as the models inside will be out shortly after.

With a little luck, these will be the first of a whole line of new DKoK models ported over from Forge World, or perhaps even fresh new designs from the GW studio! Find out more about the content of this box in our preview coverage here.

Kill Team: Core Book & Compendium

Kill Team Compendium and core book

The Kill Team: Core Book is also available separately in a 144-page package containing all the necessary rules and missions to enjoy Kill Team in three forms – open play, matched play, and narrative play.

Both the new Core rule book and the KT compendium will be available for pre-order, with the Compendium containing the actual unit rules for existing teams.  Containing 55 fireteams, 187 types of operatives, new stratagems, ploys, and equipment, the Compendium is probably a must-have outside the box itself.

Or for hobbyists not getting the new box, it looks like these are the two books you’ll want to get to update your games of Kill Team to the new edition!

Kill Team: Tac Ops Cards

deamonslayer-knight mkii 2New MKII Design- Get it Now!

Kill Team Tac Ops Cards

Also available both separately to the main Kill Team: Octarius box are these handy Kill Team: Tac Ops Cards. You get two identical decks of 27 cards, one for each player, which cover all 24 of the secondary objectives listed in the Core Book, as well as three cards you can use to hide your choices.

Usually, a great pick-up for helping in-game, and always super resellable down the road if you end up never using them as well!

Kill Team: Killzone Essentials

The Kill Team: Killzone Essentials package meanwhile comes with all the accessories you need – alongside the Core Book and the Compendium – to get to grips with this awesome new system and start playing hard-fought skirmish games on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. It comes with three all-important combat gauges, 84 tokens, and six barricades.

From the looks of this, you get one inside the starter box, so this is probably more of a must-have for folks not planning on picking up the new box, and just using the teams they have currently!

Just like the cards, products such as these are super resellable down the road if you never end up using them as well!

Kill Team Dice

Kill Team dice

Four sets of 20 dice are also on the way in the Kill Team orange and black colors as well.

Black library banner new


The Helwinter Gate

The Helwinter Gate by Chris Wraight features Space Wolves as they fight to restore their lost honor and help defeat Abaddon’s 13th Black Crusade.

Covens of Blood

Covens of Blood is a collection of three interwoven stories showing the ferocity – and duplicity – of the aelves of Ulgu, written by Anna Stephens, Liane Merciel, and Jamie Crisalli, and out in paperback.

Chronicles of Malus Darkblade Volume One

Chronicles of Malus Darkblade: Volume One. Possessed by an ancient daemon, Malus is faced with a stark choice: recover five items of unimaginable power or forfeit his soul forever. Released in paperback and eBook editions, this anthology contains stories by CL Werner, Dan Abnett and Mike Lee

Are you excited about the new Kill Team finally hitting pre-order? Are you down for the box, or just the rules supplements and game aides?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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