New Eagle Ordinary! And The Oscar for Best Necron Goes To…

By Richard McKey | April 14th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Web Comic

It turns out Commissars can do more than yell and shoot stuff! Of course, they’re at their best yelling and shooting stuff, but Holt has always been adaptable.

This is one Kaiser has had planned for a long time, and was one of the moments during the campaign that inspired her to turn the whole thing into a comic in the first place! You can read about how it went down in the Only War campaign here.

We’ll be sharing some more fun stuff from Adepticon on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages in the next couple days, so follow us and check them out! First up will be a bunch of the commissions Kaiser got around to during the con. Here’s a little sneak peak:

Isn’t that the cutest Commissar you ever did see? I bet she’s all sunshine and rainbows while she executes cowards on the front line!

You can find more commission shots on our pages!

At Ease, Ordinaries! It’s great to be back!

Keep up with us on our Facebook page! Eagle Ordinary Facebook Page

Thanks for checking us out again, Ordinaries!

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About the Author: Richard McKey