New FAQ’s for Dark Angels & All of 40k

By Rob Baer | January 16th, 2013 | Categories: Dark Angels, Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

That’s right true believes, GW has arrived with a handy FAQ to clean up some meddlesome errors and omissions from the new Dark Angles FAQ. Plus they didn’t stop there, they issued FAQ’s for the whole 40k range AND Fantasy even.

Looks like they even cleaned up that little faux-pas I talked about with the Raven Command not being able to take a Sacred Standard even!

Page 96 – Ravenwing Command Squad, options.
Change the first bullet point to:
“• One Ravenwing Black Knight may take a banner from the
following list:
– Ravenwing Company Banner*…………………………………….xx pts”
– Revered Standard……………………………………………………….xx pts”
– Alternatively, the may take a banner from the Sacred
Standards section of the wargear list.”

But perhaps more importantly, they make plasma talons RAPID FIRE!  And just for kicks they threw in rules for the “Limited Edition” Chaplain from the Dark Vengeance box set as well.  Very Classy!

Q: How many points is Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus, from the
special edition Dark Vengeance boxed game?

A: xxx points. Seraphicus is an HQ choice in a Dark Angels
army, and a special character. He is an Interrogator-Chaplain
armed with a plasma pistol, as listed in Codex: Dark Angels. He
replaces the Interrogator-Chaplain’s Zealot special rule with his
own Litanies of the Dark Angels special rule.

Checkout what Faeit had to say about it below..  Time to grab some coffee and look for some red ink guys! -MBG

From Faeit
There are new FAQs for almost every army that are out now on the Games Workshop page. We knew one was coming, however this one very much touches almost ever codex and rulesgbook. I have not yet had the time to read through them all, but here are a few.

First of all, the link
Games Workshop 40k FAQs

Even Fantasy was updated, here is the link
Warhammer Fantasy FAQs

Chaos Daemons

Q: Do models nominated as Plague Zombies from Codex: Chaos Space
Marines count as followers of Nurgle for the purposes of Epidemius’
Tally of Pestilence? (p52)
A: No.

Gey Knights

Page 37 – Stormraven Gunships, Transport.
Change the first two paragraphs to “The Stormraven can carry
two separate units: one unit of up to 12 models in its cabin,
plus a single Dreadnought in its rear grapples. If a Zooming
Stormraven is Wrecked or Explodes!, the Dreadnought suffers
a Strength 10 hit on its rear armour; if the Stormraven is
Hovering, the hit is Strength 4 instead.

Dark Angels

Page 102 – Assault Squad, options.
Change the final bullet point to:
“• The entire squad may remove their jump packs, changing
their unit type to Infantry. They may then have a Drop Pod or
Rhino as a Dedicated Transport for free (p100)”.

There is much much more. I will try and get to some of the more interesting ones later.