New Forge World Blood Bowl & Horus Heresy REVEALED!

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Forge World just dropped some new releases for all of those Blood Bowl and Horus Heresy fans out there. Oh, and there’s new dice as well!

The newest highly detailed resin models just hit Forge World‘s website. Take a look.


Word Bearers Dice


Sixteen high quality 16mm dice, in the red and gold of the World Bearers. Each die features the Legion’s symbol embossed in place of the six, so your opponent will know when their number’s up!

Essential wargear for any Legion commander.

THE MIGHTY ZUG £18Mighty Zug


Gifted with not only hefty bulk, strength and power but the ability to use them properly, The Mighty Zug is an expert at incapacitating opponents with a single swipe of his gigantic paw. A firm favourite with the fans despite (or because of) his brutish, ugly and stupid demeanour, he’s the Star Player of choice for Blood Bowl coaches who just want to get the job done. Nothing fancy – just a trail of smashed faces leading to victory.

Mighty Zug

Add The Mighty Zug as a Star Player to any Human Blood Bowl team – not just the Reikland Reavers – with this resin kit. He can be built clutching the ball in his left arm, or modelled without; all the better for smashing faces in with a swipe of his enormous forearm. His rules, which mostly involve moving forward with the unstoppable grace of an angry continent, can be found as a Star Player card included with the Blood Bowl boxed game, and also in the supplement Death Zone Season 1. This resin kit comes in 7 components, with a 32mm round base and a 32mm round Blood Bowl base, featuring a slot for the ball.


Blood Bow lMighty Zug Bundle


Get your hands on a copy of Blood Bowl, the classic game of bone-crunching fantasy football, and a shining example of a functional, brutish Human Star Player – The Mighty Zug

Mighty Zug

 Included is everything you need to play games of Blood Bowl:

– 12 plastic Human players: 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 2 Catchers and 6 Linemen;
– 12 plastic Orc players: 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 2 Black Orc Blockers and 6 Linemen;
– extra balls. team counters, and bases featuring holes to place the ball in, indicating possession;
– a double-sided foldout card pitch – one Orc side, one Human side, each divided into squares to regulate movement and combat;
– 2 card dugouts, each with a Human team’s sideline on one side and an Orc sideline on the other;
– a deck of cards detailing Special Plays and Star Players, as well as references for the included miniatures;
– 2 sets of dice, coloured blue for the Humans and green (of course!) for the Orcs – a mix of D6 Block dice, ordinary D6’s, D8’s and D16’s;
– a 56-page rulebook – this contains the basic rules of Blood Bowl, a number of optional extra rules (Fan Support, different weather, Illegal Procedures, time limits, hand-overs, block assists and more), a guide to assembling your teams and the story of Blood Bowl’s origins;
– a range ruler (used for measuring distances when throwing the ball), scatter template (used to see where the ball careens off to when dropped) and throw-in template;
– a sheet of decals containing number and team symbols, and a list of player positions that can be applied to the edge of your models’ bases.

Mighty Zug

The Mighty Zug can be added to the Human team in the box – his rules are found as an included Star Player card. He comes in 7 resin components, and includes 2 32mm round bases, one featuring a hole to slot a ball into, indicating possession of the ball.


Wolf Kin


Said to be companions of the Wolf King from his earliest days as a foundling upon the bleak desolation of Fenris, these two creatures are beasts of prodigious size, formidable intelligence and a physical power that beggars belief in purely ‘natural’ creatures of their type. The guardians of the Wolf King’s hearth, from time to time when he calls they follow alongside him into battle as they may, ripping apart the hated foe limb from limb.

Wolf Kin

 A pair of large creatures that would make an ideal centrepiece, the Wolf-kin of Russ can be added as a special HQ choice for a Space Wolves Legion army that includes Leman Russ. Formidable at close range, they use their enormous teeth and claws to do the bidding of their master. Rules for using The Wolf-kin of Russ as part of a Space Wolves army in Horus Heresy games can be found in the forthcoming book, The Horus Heresy Book Seven – Inferno.

Wolf Kin

This highly-detailed multi-part resin kit makes two Wolf-kin of Russ including 2 scenic 90mm oval bases – these feature unfortunate enemy Space Marines being torn apart, which can be painted in the colours of whichever Chapter you prefer. The 20-component kit is presented in a black Horus Heresy Character Series box.


Wolf Kin Bundle


Companions of the Wolf King since his earliest days, the Wolf-kin of Russ rarely venture far from their master. When Leman Russ leads his Legion to war, Freki the Swift and Geri the Cunning will be at his side, defending him from any assault and turning the fierce intelligence and brutal strength to the hunt for his enemies.

Wolf Kin Bundle

 This collection includes Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves, and the Wolf-kin of Russ. Rules for using the Primarch of the Space Wolves Legion and his Wolf-kin as part of a Space Wolves army in Horus Heresy games can be found in the forthcoming book, The Horus Heresy Book Seven – Inferno.

Leman Russ

These are multi-part resin kits that build three complete models. They are presented in two black Horus Heresy Character Series boxes.

These are some great looking minis coming our way. Be sure to head over to Forge World and pick yours up today.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”