New Forge World – Horus Heresy Exclusives Coming Soon!

By Rob Baer | May 2nd, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus heresy walpaper

If you love everything Horus Heresy, you’ve got to see these new Exclusive and first time offering products coming soon from Games Workshop!

Going to Warhammer Fest, well you may be able to score this awesome new swag!

Source Forge World :


And FINALLY some dice with the logos on the 6’s!

13051765_1203803019639176_8132259620786027270_n hh dice emperors children hh dice sons of horus

Plus looks like we’ll see these other great items on sale for the first time then as well!


fw exclusive 2016


There are plenty of reasons to go to one of our great events like Warhammer Fest; the seminars; hobby demonstrations; fun activities; and, of course, exclusive models.

I’ve just got hold of the event exclusive model that’ll be released at Warhammer Fest, and it’s stunning! Take a look…

In Cataphractii Terminator Armour, and wielding a Thunder Hammer and what looks very much like a combi-volkite weapon, this model is going to make an imposing and characterful commander in a lot of armies soon!

You’ll be able to get hold of him for the first time at Warhammer Fest, so get your tickets now!


imperial army lists
Every day Warhammer Fest is getting that little bit closer, and every day I’m finding out more about the great things that are going to be there. Take a look at what just landed in the Forge World Studio…

The Horus Heresy – Crusade Imperialis Army lists is packed with the collected and updated army lists, special rules and unit entries for the Solar Auxilia, Questoris Knights, the Imperial Militia, and Warp Cults.

Just like the new event exclusive model I showed you last week, this book is going to be available first at Warhammer Fest. Though, unlike the event exclusive model which will only be available at events, I hear this new book will be available on the web store soon afterwards.

There’s more to come on what’s going to be available at Warhammer Fest, so get your tickets whilst you can and keep checking this bulletin for more!

Warhammer Fest: get your tickets now!

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