New Forge World Horus Heresy Releases

By Rob Baer | July 27th, 2015 | Categories: Forge World, Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40k News


Looks like Forge World has a few Horus Heresy surprises for us as well. Come see their new sneak peaks for this week!

Via Forge World

It’s not that hard to find something to get excited about when you’re in the Forge World Studio. I make some effort to keep my outbursts of “That’s awesome!” internal, but I fail on a pretty regular basis. Last week saw me disturbing the peace of the Forge World design team again when I came across what looks like a new addition for Mechanicum armies, and if you’ve seen the latest Horus Heresy book from Black Library, Cybernetica, you’ll know the Mechanicum could do with all the support they can get!



Not only that but it looks like Space Marine vehicles are getting some new upgrades soon…


And a sneak peak of some titans from the Forge World Open day.


Looks like those new plastic Horus Heresy models will have some new robot friends and weapons for their Rhinos soon!

Horus Heresy Roundup