Well if you were wondering why the new Forge World Imperial Armor reboot went from book one to three, here’s your answer; IA:2 War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes!True to the first two books of the Imperial Armor series which collected all the big stuff up to their publishing in the early 2000’s, this book collects all the important new and old Astartes 40k and 30k “relic” vehicles into one easy to reference book.
And guess what book should be on the horizon next? IA:4 The Anphelion Project covered Tyranids, which looks to be the next 40k release as well.
Hmmm…. coincidence anybody?
Checkout my reviews of the first two updated Imperial Armor Books below! -MBG
Courtesy of Apocalypse 40k
Forge World has released the second edition of their second Imperial Amrour book “War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes”.
Damn! I am falling behind on my Forge World orders. I easily need $ 1,000 to buy everything I want.
From Forge World:
Imperial Armour Volume Two – Second Edition: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes is a 256 page full colour hardback book which provides you with rules to use the large range of Forge World Space Marine armoured vehicles, flyers and artillery in your games of Warhammer 40,000.
Included within this brand new edition are profiles and rules for over 30 vehicles, from specialised variants of the mighty Land Raider to the heavily armed Thunderhawk Gunship, alongside extensive background material on the war machines of the Space Marines, their tactics and manufacture. The book includes Legacies of Glory, special upgrades that mark your vehicle as a truly ancient and honoured veteran of the wars that heralded the Age of the Imperium, rules for relic vehicles such as the Sicaran Battle Tank, and the vehicles used by the zealous Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas, as well as those seconded to the service of the agents of the dreaded Inquisition.
In addition to this wealth of information, Imperial Armour Volume Two – Second Edition presents extensive details on the paint schemes and markings used by the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes.
In order to use this book, you will need the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and the relevant Codex for your army. To use certain units, you will need the Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse expansion.
We have a limited quantity of this book available to order now that can be delivered in time for Christmas. If you want to get hold of this book, act fast and order now! This book will go on general release sometime early 2014.
You can order it on the Forge World website here.