New Forge World, MTOs, Cadia Stands Army Box: Pricing & Links

GW-new-releases-cadia-standsNew Forge World Upgrades and MTO classics are here along with the pricing and links for the Cadia Stands Army Box pre-order!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders from Games Workshop that are up for pre-order with your favorite retailers right now! Well, other than the Made to Order (MTO) stuff, that will just be from GW on their site.

We’ll also take a look at the Forge World MTO items as well, which you can order right now.

Cadia Stands Army Box, Forge World & MTO Pricing

As we said, there are a lot of products on MTO right now, which means it can take up to 180 days to get, so just keep that in mind when ordering your stuff.

However, the Cadia Stands Army Box will hit stores on Black Friday, November 25th, 2022, so you might as well get your copy now and not hassle with finding one on the secondary market in case of supply or demand issues. 

9th warhammer 40k banner

Cadia Stands: Astra Militarum Army Set: $200

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Cadia Stands Astra Militarum Army Set

Prove that Cadia still stands as you start a new Astra Militarum force with this army set – which contains 28 completely new miniatures. It includes 20 Cadian Shock Troops, a five-man Cadian Command Squad, a Sentinel with Armoured and Scout Sentinel configurations, and two Field Ordnance Teams – the vanguard of a revamped Astra Militarum range.

With a gigantic 28 new minis, we’d be wrong not also to check out each new one!

Cadian Command Squad

All of the new models are sweet, and this new Command Squad is no different.

Field Ordnance Teams

The new Field Ordinance Batteries look great too! there’s no mistaking the fear of being at the wrong end of these.


The Sentinel may not have come to mind for many people as a model needing an update, but this new kit looks great either way!

20 Cadian Shock TroopsFinally, the bread and butter. These new Cadian Shock Troops look fantastic and much more detailed and dynamic than before, which will have a rippling effect on armies that use them as their backbone.

The box also includes an exclusive copy of the new Codex: Astra Militarum with a soft-touch cover starring Lord Solar Leontus, as well as 63 datacards to keep track of your Strategems, psychic powers, and Regimental Orders. Absolutely everything contained within is currently only available in this set – and won’t be sold separately until next year.

The army set has a 13-day pre-order window, meaning that it hits shelves on Black Friday – something for you to be really thankful for.

Luckily as with some other major releases, this pre-order is extended so that everyone who needs it can have time to get their hands on it!

Ork Goff Rocker: $35

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Ork Goff Rocker

Celebrate the festive season and get rockin’ with this year’s Christmas miniature – the Goff Rocker. Based on a classic trio of models from years gone by, this characterful miniature is ideal as a display or narrative piece. He’ll be getting his own mini-games in our Christmas brochure, so you can even use him on the tabletop!

The Goff Rocker is available for pre-order from Saturday and will be on the shelf from the following Saturday. Anyone who orders him before New years Eve will be guaranteed to receive one.

As the “festive” model for this year, this is a great option for just one more fun mini-hobby project if that’s what you’re looking for.

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Necrons Doom Scythe / Night Scythe Squadron: $52

Aeronautica Imperialis NecronsWe saw these previewed a little while ago, so it’s nice actually to be able to get the minis finally!

Aeronautica Imperialis Necrons 2

This multipart resin kit builds two Doom Scythes, armed with twin tesla destructors and a heavy death ray that can all-but erase enemy fighters at close range. These deadly aircraft can also be built as Night Scythes, exchanging their death rays for the ability to transport Necron Warriors using captive wormholes. Both of these iconic aircraft are incredibly fast and agile, ideal for getting into – and out of – tailing position before unleashing a devastating barrage of lightning at short and medium range.

Aeronautica Imperialis Necrons 3

This kit comprises 18 resin components, and comes supplied with two Aeronautica Imperialis bases. It also includes two aircraft cards with rules for fielding Doom Scythes and Night Scythes in games of Aeronautica Imperialis. Additional rules and background for Necron aircraft can be found in the Aeronautica Imperialis – Companion book.

Iron Hands Cataphractii Shoulder Pads: $23

Iron Hands Forge World Upgrades

Display your warriors’ devotion to the machine with this Forge World upgrade kit, which includes ten Iron Hands Legion-specific resin Cataphractii shoulder pads for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. This upgrade pack contains enough components to outfit a squad of 5 Cataphractii Terminators.

Iron Hands MKIV Shoulder Pads: $23

Iron Hands Forge World Upgrades 2

 Included are 10 Iron Hands Legion-specific MKIV shoulder pads for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – enough components to outfit a squad of 10 Space Marines. The components in this kit are supplied unpainted.

Iron Hands MKII Shoulder Pads: $23

Iron Hands Forge World Upgrades 3

10x Iron Hands sculpted shoulder pads that feature plain trim around their edges and bear the icon of the Iron Hands.

Iron Hands MKIII Torsos: $23

Iron Hands Forge World Upgrades 4

This upgrade pack includes five Iron Hands Legion-specific resin torsos for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, compatible with MKIII, MKIV, and MKV armour.

Night Lords MKII Shoulder Pads: $23

Night Lords upgrades

Ave Dominus Nox! The Night Lords are a twisted Legion, using terror tactics to instill fear and undermine enemy morale. The Legion icon is a sinister skull surrounded by spread bat wings, a common motif among the VIII Legion.

Night Lords MKIII Shoulder Pads: $23

Night Lords upgrades 2

This Forge World upgrade kit includes 10 Night Lords Legion-specific MKIII shoulder pads to represent the VIII Legion in your games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and contains enough components to deck out a squad of 10 Space Marines. 

Night Lords MKIV Torsos: $23

Night Lords upgrades 3

5x Night Lords torsos, replete with gothic designs and grisly trophies.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Here are all the pricing and links for the new Chaos MTO Age of Sigmar releases for Games Workshop that went on sale November 19th, 2022

Archaon, Lord of the End Times MTO From GW: $50

Archaon, Lord of the End Times

Archaon may have grown in size and spikes since destroying the World-that-Was, but his classic miniature is now back in metal. Whether you’re looking for a painting challenge or want to use him as a Chaos Lord in your new Slaves to Darkness army, this iconic miniature is a great addition to any Chaos collection.

As easily one of my favorite old-school models, we might be a little biased, but none can argue this model’s importance to lore. From a collection standpoint, this might tickle a lot of fancies. And the best part is you can proxy him in as a chaos lord if you really want to!

Khorne Chaos Lord MTO From GW: $32

Khorne Chaos Lord

Claim skulls for Khorne with this classic champion, cast in metal. You can use him in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar as a Slaves to Darkness Chaos Lord – with the Mark of Khorne, obviously – or as an Aspiring Deathbringer in your Blades of Khorne force.

Even more easily played in AoS, this old Khorne lord still has an applicable Battlescroll to use in the current game! (although you’ll have to double-check the base size requirement)

Nurgle Chaos Lord MTO From GW: $32

Nurgle Chaos Lord

Painters and hobbyists looking to pick up a classic sculpt can give praise to the Plaguefather! Field this metal champion in a Maggotkin of Nurgle army as a Lord of Plagues, or as a Chaos Lord marked by Nurgle to command your Slaves to Darkness. Or just grab one to try out a few new techniques for painting rust.

As one of the next few more unique and less-seen options, this Nurgle lord would fit right into a Maggotkin force!

Slaanesh Chaos Lord MTO From GW: $32

Slaanesh Chaos Lord

See if the path of excess leads to success with this classic Slaanesh Chaos Lord, cast in metal. Use him as an alternative Lord of Pain in your Hedonites of Slaanesh army, or command your Slaves to Darkness army as a Chaos Lord with the Mark of Slaanesh.

Continuing the trend, this Slanesh lord would probably look right at home in the current day Hedonites faction!

Tzeentch Chaos Lord with Familiar MTO From GW: $32

Tzeentch Chaos Lord with Familiar

Just as planned, Tzeentch joins in the Made to Order fun. As with their brethren above, this metal Chaos Sorceror Lord can be used in a Slaves to Darkness army, or be added to your Disciples of Tzeentch as a Magister. 

Tzeentch is probably right there with Khorne in terms of old models still matching the new aesthetics well, so feel free to use this guy as is in your current Tzeentch armies! (Just be wary of the slight scale changes)

Mounted Chaos Sorcerer MTO From GW: $42

Mounted Chaos Sorcerer

Finally, there’s the classic Mounted Chaos Sorcerer, also cast in metal. They might not have rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, but they’re great for painters and collectors – or you could use them as a berobed Chaos Lord on a Daemonic Mount. With no specific markings, you could dedicate this miniature to any of the Chaos Gods* – or the powers Undivided – as you see fit.

All of the miniatures above are available on a Made to Order basis, starting next Saturday and ending on the 28th of November at 8am GMT. Please note that it can take up to 180 days to supply these models. Keep up to date with all the latest Citadel releases by signing up for our newsletter.

There isn’t really a battlescroll associated with this guy anymore, don’t let that stop you from proxying him in anyways! He is a sweet model too!

Will you be picking any of these releases up? What are your thoughts on the Imperial Guard Army box? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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