If you love the Horus Heresy, but not carrying around ton of books to play your games, you will LOVE this new product teaser they just dropped.
Source: Forge World
You may remember some weeks ago I showed you the cover of a special edition of the upcoming Legiones Astartes Age of Darkness Army List. This week I caught sight of the regular edition, fresh from the printers. It can’t be far away now!
Now that there are six Horus Hersy books, this collected army list is pretty huge. There are sixty-five units for your army, not including all the varied consuls and unit options. Check them all out…
Notice anything new in the list of units above? Looks like this venerable tome will be worth picking up to help make your army lists on the fly.
I would love to see this on interactive digital for sure. Hopefully we’ll see an iOS version of both of these books shortly!