New FORGE WORLD & Stealth Price Increases?

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Come see the latest goodies from Forge World, and what may cost you more next time you go to order!

via Forge World
Take a look at these upcoming releases:
And here are some more pics of this guy from Warhammer World Re-Opening:
Zardu Layax & Blade Slaves
RCUNGYQ P1130961 P1130958
Then there’s some shots of the completed Solar Auxilia command squad.

This banner looks to be a transfer, that would be sweet for all the hobbyist collecting these guys out there!

Speaking of the Horus Heresy Character Series, did anyone else notice that the last release, Sigismund, raised the price of a non-primarch from £31.00 (Sevatar, Dynat, and all the others) to £45.00! 
We will get to see with this new kit if there was something peculiar about Sigismund, or if Forge World just added a stomach churning 37% price increase to their Heresy characters for the new fiscal year.
~For me the hobby juice is always worth the squeeze!