Forge World’s New Thunderhawk Unboxed

Thunderhawk-Warhammer-Fest-2The new Thunderhawk was on display, and for sale, at Warhammer Fest. But one person got it home, cleaned up, and laid the parts out for us to see.

Garro was at Warhammer Fest over the weekend, taking pictures, and sharing them for us to see. Well, he’s home and he’s not done sharing. He picked up one of the new Thunderhawk models from Forge World, and posted the box contents, as well as the assembly instructions.

New Forge Wrold ThunderhawkNew Forge Wrold ThunderhawkNew Forge Wrold Thunderhawk

Then he laid out the parts on his table after giving them a good cleaning.

New Forge Wrold Thunderhawk

This is truly an impressive spread. The new Thunderhawk definitely has the awe inspiring effect, both assembled and in parts. This is one project that will take some time to tackle, but the end result seems like it’s going to be well worth it.

Thunderhawk Warhammer FestThunderhawk Warhammer FestThunderhawk Warhammer FestThunderhawk Warhammer Fest

This is truly an amazing looking model, and it’s coming in at £450. That doesn’t mean we don’t want one though! What do you think about the new Thunderhawk? Let us know in the comments below.

That was an extremely busy weekend, and there was a lot of great information put out throughout Warhammer Fest.

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