New Games Workshop Releases – REVEALED

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Waaagh! The Orks are coming in hot this week. Checkout all the new releases from Games Workshop this weekend!

Source: Games Workshop

Megaboss on Maw-krusha $110


Orruk Megabosses are pretty killy – it’s how they become as huge as they do, all that stompin’ causes them to grow and grow and grow until the power of the Waaagh! flows through them. But for some Megabosses, this isn’t enough! These particularly angry orruks seek out and subdue enormous Maw-krushas (often by yelling really, really loudly at them) – ill-tempered and powerful creatures who enjoy smashing stuff up almost as much as the orruks themselves. This uneasy pairing never really gets along especially well, and the Megaboss needs to constantly remind his Maw-krusha who’s in charge with the liberal application of an iron boot to the back of the head. Despite this, almost nothing on the battlefield can withstand their noisy rampage, and the immense number of kills they rack up inspires nearby orruks to fight ever harder.

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This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble one Megaboss on Maw-krusha. Standing atop his fierce steed, the Megaboss is armed with either a boss gore-hacka and scrap-tooth or a choppa and rip-tooth fist – both options are suitably killsome. The Maw-krusha features an alternative mask and bladed tail. This kit contains 63 components, includes a Citadel 160mm Round base, and can be optionally assembled as Gordrakk, the Fist of Gork.

Megaboss $40


The biggest – and therefore the best – of the Ironjawz, the orruk Megabosses lead the Ironjaw warclans with a ramshackle unity, smashing and stomping and breaking and battering everything in reach. The more fights an orruk wins, the bigger they get; Megabosses are understandably massive, and more than happy to use their immense, muscular bulk to kick in the heads of anything and everything in their path. Covered in scraps of iron taken from bested foes, festooned with trophies of war and armed with some utterly brutal weaponry, orruk Megabosses are absolutely terrifying to even behold, let alone actually take on in battle.

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This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble one orruk Megaboss, covered in nailed-on iron armour, armed with a boss choppa and rip-tooth fist. Fourteen components are included, along with a Citadel 60mm Round base.

Gore-gruntas $79


Enormous, foul-tempered porcine beasts of a strength and fury that even orruks respect, gruntas trample down all but the biggest foe, devouring the remains and noisily smashing apart everything in their path – much to the vivid delight of the Ironjawz who bounce gleefully upon their somewhat interestingly-fragranced backs. Gruntas will cheerfully and greedily eat anything, including iron (the result of devouring people wearing it, more often than not.) This undigested metal is harvested by orruks for use as weapons and armour, and called pig-iron. A well-timed charge of Gore-gruntas can easily smash apart an enemy army in a riot of stomping hooves, piercing tusks and unpleasant smells.


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This multi-part plastic kit contains all the parts necessary to assemble three orruk Gore-gruntas, savage orruks riding massive, armoured, betusked beasts. The orruks can be armed with pig-iron choppas, or jagged gore-hackas, with an optional Gore-grunta boss featuring his own head, weapon and grunta options. 100 components in total, with three Citadel 75x42mm Oval bases.


Brutes $50


Lumbering, heavy-set creatures with furrowed brows and heavy armour, orruk Brutes are unconcerned with the complex things in life. Their minds are filled with one thing only – violence. Bigger and harder than most warriors of the mortal realms, Brutes fill out the warclans in a seemingly endless tide of green skin, angry shouting and tiny-minded aggression. After all, as they say – if smashing it ain’t working, get more boys to smash it with! Brutes seek out the largest enemies – or trees, or walls – that they can find, and set about them with determination, often being joined by dozens more, all clamouring to bring down whatever enemy (or object) has the temerity to be bigger than them.

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This multi-part plastic kit contains the components you’ll need in order to assemble five orruk Brutes! Festooned with trophies of war, featuring massive metal or bone jaws, they can be armed with two choppas, or a double-handed jagged gore-hacka. One in five can be armed with a massive gore-choppa, and one model can be assembled as a Brute Boss, armed with either a boss choppa or a boss klaw and brute smasha. 102 Components in total, with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.

Weirdnob Shaman $33


Wildly unpredictable, savage, untamed and violent, Waaagh! magic cannot be controlled by anything with even a shred of sanity. Luckily, the Ironjawz don’t have many shreds of sanity amongst them, and the least-shredded of all are the Weirdnob Shamans. Seemingly never truly in control of their own bodies, they twist and twitch and gibber as Waaagh! energy courses unstoppably through them, staring at sights only they see and talking to nothing. The larger the gathering of Ironjawz around one of these strange orruks, the bigger the fireworks display when it all kicks off – maybe a blast of Waaagh! energy will hammer into the enemy like a particularly smelly gust, or maybe a massive green foot the size of a mountain will kick the entire enemy army in the face. Nobody’s exactly sure, and that’s half the fun!

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This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble one Weirdnob Shaman, the bizarre and unpredictable wizard of the Ironjawz. Posed in a twitching, staggering stance as the power of the Waaagh! flows through him, he’s covered in detailed shamanic fetishes and is armed with a smouldering Waaagh! staff. 13 components, supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.

Warchanter $30


Rabble-rousers of note in an entire clan of rabble-rousers, Warchanters will use anything nearby to hammer out the rhythm of war, a rhythm that thunders constantly within their tortured skulls. Chunks of iron, bits of wood, people’s faces – anything is a drum to a Warchanter, and the screams of agony from their unwilling instruments merely adds to the rising blastbeat cacophony. The effect this percussive violence has on nearby Ironjawz is as impressive as it is noisy; massive hordes of greenskins soon gather, joining in by stomping and screaming and smashing their great fists together until the whole collection of orruks is wound up and ready to hurtle into the thick of battle.

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This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble a Warchanter, hammerer of the Waaagh!. Carrying a Gorkstikk in one hand and a Morkstikk in the other, he is covered in armour, horns and glyphs, and features a choppa on his belt. 14 components, supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.

Ardboys $53


Strength calls out to strength, and orruk Ardboys are pretty strong. These hulks flock to the brawls of the Ironjawz, and are the only other orruks tolerated, revelling in the joyful noise and absolute smashment that their Waaagh! brings. Strangely, they believe in a certain amount of discipline; marching about in lines, organising themselves into ranks and using drums and banners to synchronise their brutality. Most Ironjaws think they’re a bit funny – if you’re holding a drum, that’s one less choppa you could smash into someone’s face – but admit that, when it comes to giving the enemy a good kicking, the Ardboys know what they’re doing.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble fifteen Ardboys, orruks drawn to the strength and boisterousness of the Ironjawz. They can be armed with a choice of choppas and smashas, big choppas or a single choppa and shield. One model can be assembled as a Waaagh! drummer, one can be assembled as a standard bearer (with either orruk banner or Icon of Gork) and one can assembled as an Ardboy Boss. Includes fifteen Citadel 32mm Round bases.

Battletome: Ironjawz $40


Ere we go!

Huge, hulking brutes, much taller and broader than a man, the Ironjawz rumble across the mortal realms in search of a good scrap. To them, nothing is so pleasing as the sound of battle – blades on metal, screams of the dying, the clamour and rattle of absolute violence is music to their ears. The most fightsome of all orruks, the Ironjawz are rightly feared all across the realms as their numbers swell and their Waaagh! grows ever larger. Megabosses stand astride massive, stompy Maw-krushas surrounded by thousands of lairy Brutes, Gore-gruntas charge into the foe with reckless abandon and twitching, muttering Shamans spit forth waves of unpredictable sorcerous energy – the Great Waaagh! is coming, and the Ironjaws are at the forefront, ready to smash some teef in!



This awesome hardback 128-page Battletome, dedicated to the biggest and best orruks of the mortal realms, contains:

– the story of the Ironjawz; their history and organisation (such as it is), guides to the warclans, and details of every unit, character and monster in their army, showing you how to collect and organise Ironjawz for use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar;
– a set of three Battleplans – scenarios that illustrate battles fought by the Ironjawz, for use with against any army: smash stuff up and trick the enemy!;
– a set of Warscrolls, providing rules for all the Ironjawz releases;
– six Warscroll Battalions – formations of particularly unruly Ironjawz with special rules and abilities.

Grand Alliance: Destruction $16.50


The followers of the Great Green God, Gorkamorka, spill onto the Mortal Realms in a motley patchwork of clans, mobs and thuggish gangs all intent on absolute destruction. Drunken Aleguzzler gargants stagger into the fray, malodorous troggoths and grots swarm over unfortunate foes, enormous greenskinz and Ironjawz kick in the teef of anyone nearby (up to and including each other, more often than not…) This Grand Alliance is a riotous, joyous blur of shouting and violence from which not even the landscape is safe!

This 104-page book is the indispensable guide to the armies and factions of Destruction at the dawn of the Age of Sigmar. A must-own for all collectors and players of this Grand Alliance, and indeed anyone collecting and playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, it takes you through the forces of Destruction with Warscrolls for every miniature, extensive information on the twelve factions, and sample armies to help you mix and match your collection into a fearsome fighting force – or provide inspiration for your next steps into the world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

The Realmgate Wars: Fury of Gork $24


Zephacleas and his Astral Templars have been sent into the wildest regions of the Ghurlands to seek out Gorkamorka, the double-headed god of the orruks and one-time ally of Sigmar in the age before Chaos. However, their search is interrupted in the boneyards of the gargants by the Tzeentchian sorceress Sharizad, who quests for a powerful daemon sword. Aided by the black-clad Sons of Mallus, the Astral Templars must brave the Howling Labyrinth to stop the weapon from falling into the wrong hands – and unexpected allies in this mission might lead them closer to their original goal: meeting the fist of Mork and the fist of Gork.

It’s a thrill-packed adventure against impossible odds and with some extremely unlikely allies for the Stormcast…

Written by Josh Reynolds 

The Realmgate Wars: Fist of Mork, Fist of Gork (Audiodrama) $17.50


After a bloody triumph at the siege of Cartha, Lord-Relictor Ramus’ Hallowed Knights and the Astral Templars of Knight-Azyros Vandalus press on with their search for Mannfred von Carstein, but they soon learn that orruks, not ogors, hold sway in the Carthic Oldwoods. The Stormcast Eternals must overcome not only these brutish warriors, but also the will of their gods. Ramus and Vandalus must prevail against the fist of Gork and the fist of Mork if they are to forge a path to the Sea of Bones where their hated quarry awaits.

The woods are alive with the sound of the Waaagh!… And a lot of fighting

Written by David Guymer. Running time 69 minutes. Performed by Gareth Armstrong, John Banks, Ian Brooker, Jonathan Keeble and Luis Soto 

How To Paint Citadel Miniatures: Ironjawz $10


Massive, strong and looking for a fight, the Ironjawz rumble across the mortal realms smashing heads and kicking in teef wherever they pass. Their ranks swell to bursting as their Waaagh! grows ever larger – total anarchy and destruction is their aim. Megabosses command ramshackle bands of Brutes from atop enormous Maw-krushas, Gore-gruntas careen into the foe with joyful abandon and Shamans twitch and gibber with the bizarre energies coursing through their veins.



How to Paint Citadel Miniatures: Ironjawz is a fantastic, comprehensive introduction to painting Ironjawz, taking the reader through the basics of the Citadel Paint System, with step-by step guides for painting the range of Ironjawz miniatures. Each guide shows you how to achieve the results using either layering techniques or drybrushing, and is perfect for anyone looking to make their Ironjawz look as good as they can!

Start Collecting! Greenskinz & Grand Alliance: Destruction $101.50


Grand Alliance Collection $101



Da Bosses’ Boyz $169


Da Weirdnob Weirdfist $215



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Tons of new Orruks coming your way soon!

Top 3 New Formations in 40k Long War Episode 48