New Genestealer Cult Detachment Rules SPOTTED

Genestealer-cults codex new rumors leaks

Come see the Cult Insurrection Detachment’s rules that will be appearing this week in the brand new codex Genestealer Cult!

BoLS had tons more of their exclusive Genestealer Cult coverage today for the new book. Feast your eyes on the new Detachment for the army:

genestealer cult detachment

Detachment Formation Structure

The basic requirement for the Cult Insurrection are:

  • 1-6 Core
  • 1+ Auxilliary
  • 0-3 Command

We will dispense with the non-mandatory command formations and focus on what you NEED to take to meet the Detachment minimums.

Core Formations: Your main choice will be one of either the Brood Cycle, or the Neophyte Cavaldade.  The Brood Cycle is all about the dudes on foot, so if you want to emphasize the Cult Ambush Table – that’s your answer.  The Cavalcade is the vehicle heavy formation. So if you want more of a traidtional army that slugs it out with a smaller amount of secondary units to use movement trickery – there you go.

 Auxillary: Moving to the smaller Auxiliary formations you have quite the menu of choices. The Doting Throng emphasizes psychic ability, the Subterranean Uprising is even nastier with the Cult Ambush table – maybe the best in the codex at it. The Demolition Claw is for the TNT lover out there, while the Deliverance Bloodsurge is the convoy that keeps on trucking no matter what.  The Shadow Skulkers, Cult Mutants and Brood Brothers are there to fill out your detachment on the cheap if you love the models.

genestealer cult detachment

This is where the magic happens.  We have already talked about the army special rules and the Detachment only builds upon it.  The two big ones are:

An Uprising Generations in the Making: Giving everyoe INfiltrate is nice, but the real gift is the +1 on reserve rolls. This gives your Cult Ambush units that little extra OOMPH! A -1 on reserves on the Cult’s enemies will make them deploy more conservatively and let you control the flow of the game better.  Very nice!

Numbers Beyond Counting: Like a “purple tide” this rules will reward players who build lists and heavily emphasize the Cult Ambush table with free recycled models throughout the game.  D6 models per unit doesn’t sound like much but will add up quickly if you play it right.

Checkout the rest of the rules drops on the link below:

Genestealer Rumor Roundup

The Coverage Thus Far:

BoLS will be bringing you Genestealer Cults coverage all week. today we talk about the special rules that make the army tick:

Cult Ambush

 Almost every non-vehicle unit in the army has the Cult Ambush special rule.  Here’s the chart to give you perhaps THE core mechanic that makes Genestealer Cults tick.

genestealer cult special rules pdf download

Return To the Shadows

This the other half to the Genestealer Cult’s tricky movement.  Pretty much every non-vehicle unit has “Return to the Shadows”. This means the unit can be pulled from the table into reserves if there is no enemy model within 6″.  Combine that with Cult Ambush and you have a mean recipe for tabletop trickery. For example…

genestealer cult ambush chart pdf download

And some choice screencaps from their video review:

Cultos Genestealer Acolito Iconward Cultos Genestealer Híbridos acólitos

Checkout the rest of the rules drops on the link below:

Genestealer Rumor Roundup

The Story Thus Far:

Source: dakka thread but looks to be screen caps from BoLS’ exclusive coverage.

magus genestealer

Hmm not too bad lvl 2 is good. Looks like GW isn’t making a separate kit for the Patriarch and the Magus as this is the model from the Overkill box set!!

dataslate purestrain genestealers

No frag grenades???

insurrection detachment pdf genestealer cults

Detachment Special Rules :
  • If the Patriarch is the Warlord, you can reroll traits.
  • Any vehicle unit has not Infiltration rule; if you already had the Darkened rule also gains during the first game turn. Additionally, he adds +1 to reserve rolls, and your opponent has a -1
  • Each time a unit comes from the reserves, you can add 1d6 minis that have previously been removed from the unit as loss.


BoLS’s exclusive codex coverage seems to be getting dissected and broken down on other sites as “news”, but who can blame them really this codex is hot. Checkout some of the screen caps from their video yesterday that showcases the new weapons of the cults!

Source: dakka thread but looks to be screen caps from BoLS’ exclusive coverage.

genestealer cult rules new download genestealer cult rules new download

Two types of demo charges look fun, and of course the mining laser is back too. So far so good for the visitors from the void. Now lets get a look at some of the units!

new genestealer cult codex image picture leaks

Looks like some pretty rad powers are on the way. Checkout this list of the new disciplines collected from around the net including 4chan.

Broodmind Psychic Discipline

Primaris: Mass Hypnosis: Malediction that causes a chosen unit within 24″ to drop it’s WS, BS, I & A by -1.

  1. Psychic Stimulus: Blessing that grants the unit Fleet and Relentless, also allows them to charge after running.
  2. Psionic Blast: Witchfire, 24″ S5 AP3 Assault 1, Blast
  3. Might From Beyond: Blessing, a target unit within 24″ gains S+1 and Rage
  4. Mental Onslaught: Focused Witchfire, compare Ld values and add D6. On a draw, the target suffers -3 Initiative for a turn. If the psyker wins, the target takes the difference in wounds.
  5. Mind Control: Malediction. Choose a single non-vehicle model and make a shooting attack as if it were yours.
  6. Telepathic Summons: Conjuration, WC 2/3. Choose 2 or 3, create a single unit . If you expend 2WC = 5 Acolyte or 5 Metamorphs or 10 Neophyte, 3WC and it’s 10 Acolyte or 10 Metamorphs or 20 Neophyte or 4 aberants or 8 genestealer, these model can be equipped with any upgrades listed on their data sheet as per the summoning rules.

Well that’s quite the step up psychic wise. Man even that primaris power is pretty solid, plus checkout Mind Control – Bye Bye Tau Bad guys. I think the #3 is great for assaulty type builds and if you need to reinforce drop the summons.

Still a few BIG questions remain like who can they ally with and what level Psykers can they get. I assume up to level 3 BUT how many is the question….

New pictures this morning from October’s White Dwarf. Checkout all the new Genestealer kits for this week that will be on the way soon, plus a new genestealer upgrade sprue to make it rain purple!

Genestealer Rumor Roundup