New Grey Knights JOYTOY Dreadnought Spotted!

joytoy-grey-knightsIt’s hard to tell if it’s just a repaint, but either way, a new Grey Knights JOYTOY Dreadnought is on the way soon- check it out!

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY action figures might be perfect. While this isn’t up for sale quite yet, it is awesome! As we said, this looks pretty similar to the Ultramarines dread with a new paint job, but even if that’s all it is, it’s still really cool!

We’ll first take a look at what you can order right now, then we’ll jump into the new stuff!

New JOYTOY Orks, Outriders, Bjorn, and Ragnar are Orderable in the US!

Joytoy new wave


You can get all of the above from Entertainment Earth right now or Sideshow, but we’ll also take a closer look at some of them. The nice part is now you can a bunch of different chapters, vehicles, and even DKoK!

You can click any of the links below to go grab yours now!

New Grey Knights JOYTOY Dreadnought Spotted!

Grey Knights DreadnoughtRevealed online, this is just a super cool figure with plenty of Grey Knight insignia and stuff everywhere. Plus, you get an extra fist, which gives you more options, and you need more articulation and bits for the price!

Grey Knights Dreadnought 2However, when you look at this, it does look an awful lot like the previous one with a new paint job and extra bits.

grey knights joytoy action figure dreadnought

JOYTOY Dreadnought 9As you can see, even the words on the left side are the same on both models, the guns and fists are the same, and basically everything else. There are a few small differences, like the leg decorations, the light, and a few other small details. Either way, if you play Grey Knights, might as well pick one up!

Click Here To Get Yours From Entertainment Earth or Sideshow Collectibles

Are you picking any of these new JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures up? What is your favorite?

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