New GW Battleforces & Specialist Games Lineup & Pricing

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Don’t miss this week’s list of gigantic pre-orders, with pricing on the hot new holiday Battleforce boxes and much more this week from Games Workshop.

They are finally here! Holiday Battleforces for both Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k have made their way to pre-order along with a host of products for Necromunda and Blood Bowl. Let’s take a look at what you might find under your tree this year.

Imperial Fists Supremacy Force: $170

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The Supremacy Forces of the Imperial Fists are deployed on the most gruelling of missions, yet for these defenders of Terra there is no fortress that cannot be conquered and no army that cannot be ground to dust. Even against overwhelming odds they shout praise to the Emperor as they battle their way to grim victory.

The Imperial Fists are renowned for their fire discipline and mastery of siege warfare, and the units found within the Supremacy Force set exemplify these traits. From large units of Intercessors and Hellblasters to Aggressors and a Redemptor Dreadnought, you’ll not want for firepower after picking up this set! Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll find:

– 1 Primaris Captain, who can be armed with either a master-crafted bolt rifle or master-crafted stalker bolt rifle. The miniature comes with a choice or bare head or helmet, and it can be assembled to be pointing or wielding a power sword.
– 10 Primaris Intercessors, which can be equipped with any of their primary weapon options – a bolt rifle, stalker bolt rifle or auto bolt rifle.
– 10 Primaris Hellblasters, each of which can be armed with a plasma incinerator, assault plasma incinerator or heavy plasma incinerator.
– 3 Primaris Aggressors, who can be assembled either with auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launchers or flamestorm gauntlets.
– 1 Redemptor Dreadnought, the kit for which includes all of its available weapon options.
– 3 Imperial Fists Primaris Upgrade Frames, each containing 5 Intercessor shoulder pads, 1 Intercessor Sergeant shoulder pad and 3 x Aggressor shoulder pads, all featuring the insignia of the Imperial Fists Chapter. Also include on the frames are 3 heads (1 helmeted, 1 with rebreather, 1 with antenna), 1 right arm holding a bolt pistol, 1 left arm with power fist (and Imperial Fists icon on the fist) and 7 decorative pieces: 1 sensor, 1 tilting plate, 5 Imperial Fists honorifics.

Space Marine Primaris Interdiction Force: $170

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Primaris Interdiction Forces carve bloody swathes through heretic and xenos armies alike, smashing aside the opposition with overwhelming force and changing the momentum of battle in an instant. Bolt rifles roar and blades flash as the Space Marines advance, an armoured spearhead thrust into the heart of the foe.

Whether you’re looking to start a new Adeptus Astartes collection, or are looking to bolster an existing force with a solid selection of Primaris units, the Space Marine Primaris Interdiction Force has you covered. Not only does it save you money, it provides you with a flexible variety of units in the form of a powerful Repulsor Tank, a hard-hitting combination of infantry squads and even a commander to lead them. The set includes the following units:

– 1 Primaris Captain, who can be armed with either a master-crafted bolt rifle or master-crafted stalker bolt rifle. The miniature comes with a choice or bare head or helmet, and it can be assembled to be pointing or wielding a power sword.
– 10 Primaris Intercessors, which can be equipped with any of their primary weapon options – a bolt rifle, stalker bolt rifle or auto bolt rifle.
– 10 Primaris Reivers, each of which can be armed with a heavy bolt pistol and long combat knife or a bolt carbine. All of them can be also be equipped with grav-chutes and/or grapnel launcher for even greater tactical flexibility.
– 3 Primaris Inceptors, who can be assembled with a pair of fearsome assault bolters or plasma exterminators.
– 1 Repulsor Tank, the kit for which includes all of its available weapon options.

Idoneth Deepkin Deepsurge Raiding Party: $170

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Raid the Mortal Realms with this massive Battleforce – the ideal way to start or bolster your Idoneth Deepkin army. We’ve taken a selection of core units any army needs – like the invaluable Tidecaster and fast-moving Namarti Thralls – and gathered them in one place for your ease and to save you money compared to getting them seperately! There’s even a warscroll battalion to enhance your forces on the battlefield.

This set contains:
– 1 Isharann Tidecaster
– 10 Namarti Thralls, with a variety of options for their lanmari blades, as well as an icon bearer.
– 10 Namarti Reavers, armed with whisperbows and with a optional icon bearer.
– 3 Akhelian Guard, which can be built as Ishlaen or Morrsarr Guard, including options for a Lochian Prince, Standard Bearer, and Musician.
– 2 Akhelian Allopexes, with options to be armed with a razorshell harpoon launcher or retarius net launcher.

Daughters of Khaine Devoted of Morathi: $170

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Kicking off a Daughters of Khaine army? Save money on your models with this massive Battleforce. Inside, you’ll find a huge host of models that no army can go without, from your core Witch Aelves to a range of special units. This set is the ideal gift for even a seasoned Daughters of Khaine collector, with every kit inside featuring multiple build options, allowing you to tailor your reinforcements to your needs. Once you’re ready to get them on the tabletop and in the fight, you’ll be able to enhance your army with an included warscroll battalion.

This set contains:
– 1 Bloodwrack Shrine, which can also be assembled as a Cauldron of Blood with options for building a Hag Queen, Slaughter Queen and Bloodwrack Medusa on foot, depending on which assembly you choose.
– 10 Witch Elves, which can also be assembled as Sisters of Slaughter, with a variety of weapon options.
– 5 Melusai Blood Sisters, whichcan also be assembled as Blood Stalkers
– 10 Khinerai Heartrenders, which can also be assembled as Khinerai Lifetakers
– A transfer sheet for adding additional detail to your models when painting them.

The 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac: $40

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Guest edited by the infamous Hall of Famer, Lord Borak the Despoiler, the 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac compiles the first three issues of Spike! Journal. The rules, team rosters and history of the Doom Lords, Naggaroth Nightmares and Nurgle’s Rotters are detailed in full, along with the Star Players at their disposal.

But that’s not all – the 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac also includes a heap of other Blood Bowl rules that were, until now, only available in White Dwarf. If you missed out on the team pitch and special ball rules, now is your chance to get your hands on them, along with rules for fielding three legendary Star Players – Joseph Bugman, the White Dwarf and the Black Gobbo! Finally, the almanac also includes an updated Blood Bowl FAQ to ensure that you’re fully up to date with the latest rules clarifications.

Necromunda: Rulebook: $60

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The Necromunda Rulebook is your complete guide to gang warfare in the 41st Millennium. Packed with rules, lore, art and content previously only available through Gang War supplements, this book is a must-have for every player, providing an invaluable resource for everything from quick skirmishes to sprawling campaigns.

Inside, you’ll find:
– A closer look at the lore of the Imperium of Man, the hive worlds that serve it and Necromunda itself, plus the timeline of this iconic world
– An overview of the rules looking at the general principles of the game, how gang fighters work and everything you need to learn to get started
– The full rules, exploring each phase of the game from movement to close combat
– Rules for a host of different game types – from one-off skirmishes and tournament play to sprawling Dominion campaigns
– A huge host of scenarios and guidelines for setting up your battlefield, with rules for both close-quarters Zone Mortalis games and using Sector Mechanicus terrain.
– A set of powerful tools and rules for Arbitrators to construct their perfect campaign
– The full Skills list for Necromunda
– A quick reference sheet for checking out your key information at a glance.

Compiling both the previous Necromunda Rulebook, rules content from Necromunda supplements so far and the latest FAQs and Errata, this book is your essential companion to gaming- with it, and a copy of Gangs of the Underhive (available seperately), you’ll have all the rules you need to play. If you’ve always wanted to try Necromunda but never knew where to start, this is your gateway to gang warfare in the underhive.

Necromunda Gangs of The Underhive: $50

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Necromunda Gangs of The Underhive

Gangs of the Underhive is your complete guide to the House Gangs of Necromunda. Inside, you’ll find everything you need to found a killer gang of your own, whether you’re building a crack squad of Delaque infiltrators or a brutal pack of Goliath killers. Inside, you’ll find:

– A brief guide to the background and lore of each of the House Gangs battling for control of the underhive
– Rules for founding a gang for House Escher, Goliath, Orlock, Van Saar, Cawdor and – for the first time – Delaque, each with their own equipment lists, skill tables and fighter characteristics
– A choice of Hired Guns to add to your gang – design your own, or choose from 14 named Bounty Hunters
– Options for adding a host of Hangers-on, Brutes and Exotic Beasts to your gang – from Sloppers to Sumpkrocs.
– A complete and updated Trading Post, allowing you to add all manner of wargear, bionics and even pets to your gang during campaigns
– 8 Skill lists for upgrading and specialising your fighters
– A quick reference sheet for checking out your key information at a glance
– A miniatures showcase, with beautifully painted examples of each of the six House Gangs as well as a selection of Hired Guns

Death Guard Infection Cluster: $170

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The warriors of a Death Guard Infection Cluster are insensible to pain, shrugging off grievous injuries as though they were mere flesh wounds, and they wade implacably through incoming fire, leveling hails of bolts and lobbing devastating bombardments at their enemies for the glory of their feculent god, Nurgle.

Kick-start or bolster your Death Guard collection with an Infection Cluster. This set offers a solid core of units and vehicles that serve equally well as reinforcements to an existing army or the start of a new collection, and saves you a lot of money to buying them individually! Here’s what’s in the set:

– 1 Plague Surgeon, armed with a balesword and a (horribly) tainted narthecium.
– 7 Plague Marines, equipped with a plague knife and boltgun. All of the many weapon options available to the Plague Marines are included in the kit.
– 5 Blightlord Terminators, armed with combi-bolters and either a balesword or bubotic axe. As with the Plague Marines, all of the weapon choices that the Blightlord Terminators have access to are included.
– 1 Foetid Bloat-drone, which can be armed with a pair of plaguespitters, a heavy blight launcher or a fleshmower.
– 1 Plagueburst Crawler, a formidable siege vehicle equipped with a plagueburst mortar, either a heavy slugger or rothail volley gun, and a choice of two plaguespitters or a pair of entropy cannons.

Adeptus Mechanicus Fist of the Omnissiah: $170

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When a Fist of the Omnissiah takes to the battlefield, ranks of metal-bodied Skitarii march towards the enemy with rifles spitting lethal radiation, their arcs of withering fire precisely directed by the noospheric commands of their Tech-Priest masters. Lumbering robots and many-legged war machines advance in their wake, raining death upon the foe. When the enemy lies ruined and smoking upon the battlefield, the Tech-Priests analyse and interpret reams of combat data, refining the battle-algorithms of their troops in order to further improve their murderous efficiency.

If you’re looking to get your hands of a wide and flexible variety of Adeptus Mechanicus units, look no further than the Fist of the Omnissiah set. Here’s what you’ll find in the box:

– 1 Tech-Priest Enginseer
– 10 Skitarii Vanguard
– 5 Sicarian Ruststalkers
– 2 Kastelan Robots
– 1 Cybernetica Datasmith
– 1 Onager Dunecrawler

Seraphon Starclaw Strikehost: $170

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There’s no better place to start your Seraphon army than with this Skink-tastic Battleforce. Inside, you’ll find a starhost’s worth of Skink warriors, plus their saurian war-beasts – and a Saurus Oldblood to help them out! As well as containing a selection of models welcome in any army, this set saves you a considerable chunk of cash compared to getting the contents separately, making it a fantastic gift – either for the Seraphon collector in your life or yourself!

– 1 Skink Starpriest
– 1 Bastiladon, which can also be built as a Ark of Sotek.
– 1 Skink Oracle on Troglodon , which can also be built as either a Saurus Scar-veteran on Carnosaur, or Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur. If building the Skink Oracle on Troglodon, this set also allows you to build a Saurus Oldblood on foot.
– 6 Terradon Riders, which can also be built as Ripperdactyl Riders
– 24 Skinks, with options to arm your with a variety of javelins, blowpipes, clubs and shields.

Necrons Dominion Spearhead: $170

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Under the command of a Necron Overlord, the gleaming ranks of a Dominion Spearhead march towards their foes, reducing all in their path to atoms with blasts of gauss and tesla weaponry. Those Necrons who are cut down quickly reassemble themselves, their broken bodies melding back together so that they can continue the slaughter unabated.

A Dominion Spearhead includes everything that you’ll need to start your reconquest of the galaxy and to re-establish the dominion of the Necrons. Comprising a powerful Overlord and no less than six other units, a Dominion Spearhead is astonishing value for money whether you’re looking to start or augment your Necrons collection. Here’s what’s in the set:

– 1 Necron Overlord, bearing a resurrection orb and an enormous warscythe.
– 12 Necron Warriors armed with gauss flayers.
– 10 Immortals, with a choice of gauss blasters or tesla carbines. Alternatively, they miniatures can be assembled as Deathmarks armed with synaptic disintegrators.
– 1 Canoptek Spyder, which comes with the full choice of available weapons and upgrades.
– 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms.
– 3 Tomb Blades, which can each be assembled with a full array of weapons and upgrade options.
– 1 Ghost Ark. This vehicle can instead be assembled as a deadly Doomsday Ark.

Slaves to Darkness Godsworn Warband: $170

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Dedicate yourself to the Dark Gods (and save yourself some money) with this massive Battleforce. In this set, you’ll find a huge host of Chaos models – 29 to be exact – ranging from iron-clad foot soldiers to a monster-mounted overlord, all for less than the price of getting the contents separately!

As Slaves to Darkness, ALL the models in this set can be used with a god-specific army. You’ll be able to dedicate your troops to Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh or Nurgle, making adding it to your collection easy. This set is ideal for starting a new army, and even comes with a unique warscroll battalion with powerful special rules to use in your games. If you’re looking to reinforce your legions, or you’re looking for an awesome gift for the Chaos-worshipper in your life, this is the set for you.

This set contains:
– 16 Chaos Warriors, with options for a champion, banner bearer, musician and a choice of weapons to arm the unit.
– 10 Chaos Knights, which can be armed with chaos glaives or ensorcelled weapons, as well as featuring options to build a champion, banner bearer, and musician.
– 1 Chaos Lord on Manticore, which can also be built as a Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore
– 1 Chaos Warshrine
– 1 Gorebeast Chariot, which can also be built as a Chaos Chariot.

Craftworlds Asuryani Bladehost: $170

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Guided and supported by the psychic might of their Farseers, hurtling jetbikes and courageous bands of Aeldari warriors, an Asuryani Bladehost is equal parts graceful and deadly. Even as the enemy reels in the face of salvo after salvo of shuriken fire, towering Wraithknights stride into their midst to deliver the killing blow with guns and swords the size of battle tanks, and a sleek grace that sees the few surviving foes flee in abject terror.

Whether you have an existing Asuryani collection or are starting a new army from scratch, the Bladehost features a selection of handy units to mobilise your Craftworld’s forces for war. Here’s what’s in the set:

– 1 Farseer, armed a singing spear
– 10 Guardians, equipped with shuriken catapults and a heavy weapons platform that bears a choice of bright lance, a missile launcher, a scatter laser, a starcannon or shuriken cannon
– 5 Dire Avengers, armed with fearsome Avenger shuriken catapults, with optional parts to assemble one of their number as an Exarch with a full choice of weapon options
– 3 Windriders, armed with twin shuriken catapults, including parts to exchange these with either a shuriken cannon or scatter laser on all three miniatures
– 1 Vyper with a choice of bright lance, starcannon, missile launcher, shuriken cannon and a scatter laser for its main weapon
– 1 Wraightknight. Its left arm can be equipped with either a wraithcannon or a scattershield, while its right arm has a choice of wraithcannon, ghostglaive or suncannon. It also comes with two of each of the following shoulder-mounted weapons: shuriken cannon, a scatter laser and a starcannon.

Delaque Gang: $40

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Conquer the underhive with stealth, subterfuge and sabotage with the new plastic Delaque gang! While other Clan Houses proudly proclaim their strengths, proclaiming their dominance to all who will listen, Delaque silently waits and watches, leaving others to wonder what dark thoughts the House of Secrets harbours.

Lovingly designed to update the classic Necromunda gang, this kit allows you to build a deadly squad of Delaque gangers. Inside, you’ll find a huge range of customisation options, allowing you to equip each ganger with deadly and unusual weapons, including exotic options like the longrifle and flechette pistol. A host of heads and accessories, meanwhile, allow you to personalise each ganger and ensure no two look alike. In short – if you’ve got your rules and you’re raring to kick off your Delaque gang or you’re bolstering an existing force, this is the place to start.

This box contains 10 multipart plastic Delaque gangers and 10x 25mm Necromunda bases. Rules for your Delaque gang can be found in Necromunda Gangs of the Underhive and the December 2018 issue of White Dwarf.

Blood on the Snow Pitch: $38

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A double-sided card pitch for Blood Bowl, featuring Human and Orc pitches covered in a blanket of lovely snow, this is an appropriately festive place to play games during the long winter months. Both sides are covered in details with snowmen, reindeer skulls, broken Christmas trees and presents littered about liberally. The dug-outs are themed to match, and feature score trackers, reserves, Knocked Out and Serious Injury boxes, Down trackers for both halves, and a re-roll tracker.

The pitch is made to the same specifications as the board included with the Blood Bowl boxed game, and includes rules for play on a snow-covered pitch.

Blood Bowl: Undead Pitch & Dugouts: $38

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A double-sided card pitch designed to look like a graveyard, with accompanying team dugouts. Each side is littered with broken statuary and gravestones, and features a large team logo at its centre. One side is set during daylight hours, while its flipside represents a night-time game, with complete with eerie lights and ghostly spirits. There are even rules included that represent a nocturnal game played amid this spooky environment!

Champions of Death: $35

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Shambling Undead teams are drawn from a mix of vicious undead creatures and former Blood Bowl players that died on the pitch and – through the art of necromancy – have been given the chance of a second career! Most famous of all the Shambling Undead teams that have graced (or stained) the pitch over the years are the mighty Champions of Death.

The Champions of Death team set contains 14 multipart plastic players covered in rusted armour, and eight thematic gaming accessories:

– 2 Mummies
– 2 Wights
– 2 Ghouls
– 4 Zombies
– 4 Skeletons
– 4 Shambling Undead Blood Bowl Balls
– 2 Turn Markers
– 2 Double-sided Score Coins

In addition, the set includes a Champions of Death transfer sheet, with decals that feature player numbers and the team’s logo, and a sample team roster to get you started.

Shambling Undead Card Pack: $25

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A 49-card deck of Blood Bowl reference cards for Shambling Undead teams such as the Champions of Death. In addition to a number of player datacards for each Shambling Undead player and their available Star Players, there is a selection of blank player cards that can be used to create or keep track of your own players for your team.

There is also a team roster card that will help you keep track of your team’s progression, with a match record on the reverse side, and two sets of three thematic Special Play cards:

Benefits of Training

– Helping Hand
– The Wight Stuff
– Dead Ringer

Dirty Tricks

– One Foot in the Grave
– Coffin Fit
– The Main Skull

Delaque Gang Cards: $15

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Master the unconventional tactics of House Delaque with these Gang Cards! Inside, you’ll find 12 additional tactics for Delaque gangs you won’t find anywhere else, allowing you to pull off all manner of cunning tricks, plus 8 tactics cards for ANY gang. A set of 6 specially stamped Fighter Cards, meanwhile, are perfect for marking out the profiles of your chosen Leaders and Champions.

Necromunda Delaque Gang Dice Set: $12.50

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Spike! Journal: Issue 4: $12.50



Issue 4 of the Spike! Journal is guest-edited by Rotting Johnny and focuses on the Shambling Undead teams. Arguably the most famous of them all are the mighty Champions of Death, but the journal introduces a number of other successful teams. Issue 4 also not only includes the background, rules and rosters for the Shambling Undead teams, but also the 10 Star Players who are available for them to hire. There is also a tactics article for Shambling Undead teams as well as a number of regular in-world columns such as the ever-popular Chat with the Rat and the Mighty Blow! Comic strip.

Blood Bowl Undead Team Dice Set: $12.50

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A set of bone-coloured Blood Bowl marked with black pips that serve as the perfect companion to any Shambling Undead team. After all, they are rumoured to channel the Wind of Shyish into your dice rolling!

– 3 Blood Bowl Block dice
– 2 6-sided dice (with the team icon in place of the 6)
– 1 8-sided dice
– 1 16-sided dice

White Dwarf December 2018: $9


December’s issue of White Dwarf takes us deep into the labyrinthine Blackstone Fortress. You may need to bring a torch…


Planet Warhammer
The new Blackstone Fortress game is unveiled in full, and the new Marneus Calgar miniature joins the war for Vigilus as the Ultramarines enter the fray. Plus new goodies for Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy, Blood Bowl, Necromunda and more besides!

More letters from you, our readers. Plus festive snow.

Temporal Distort
The White Dwarf graces the front cover of his own magazine back in December 2008.

Getting Started With… Middle-earth™
Love The Lord of the Rings™? Then read on, adventurer!

Cover Feature: First Blood
We put Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress through its paces as four explorers (namely Martyn, Jonathan, Simon and Ben) undertake their first mission into the heart of a Blackstone Fortress in this detailed introduction to the game rules.

The Gamesmaster
Legendary games designer Jervis Johnson tells us what it’s like creating games for almost 30 years! Apparently it’s not as easy as rolling a 4+.

Golden Demon: Classic 2018
Another stunning winners showcase from this year’s Warhammer Fest, featuring the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Large Model and Blood Bowl Team categories.

Blood in the Streets
Watch the road, get up high and bung some grenades down the sewers. We take a look at tactics for the Cities of Death rules featured in Chapter Approved 2018.

We talk to members of the Design Studio about their favourite pieces of Games Workshop art from 2018 and how it inspired their own work.

Magic of Middle-earth™
A Wizard should know better! Jay Clare delves into the art of using magical powers in Middle-earth.

Battle Report: To Catch a Realmgate
In a White Dwarf civil war, Matt and Jonathan team up against the writers Dan and Simon to fight for control of a wandering Realmgate (yes, really!) in a classic matchup of Order versus Chaos. Who knows where the Realmgate will end up?

More miniatures madness from the creators of Lesotho 212. Be warned, it’s gory!

New Rules: Light in the Dark
Here you’ll find an exclusive mission for Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress.

New Rules: The Glass-mad Gargant
A new way to play Warhammer Underworlds that involves hunting down a mighty Chaos Gargant!

New Rules: Scions of Battle
Rules for using Cerastus Knights in Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy.

Paint Splatter
Enjoy handy stage-by-stage painting guides for House Delaque and Gandalf the White (and Pippin, too).

Readers’ Models
A gallery of miniatures painted by our lovely readers.

In the Bunker
All the latest hobby news from us lot, including what we’ve been painting and playing.

…And a Load of Free Gifts:
– An 8-page booklet with all the rules for the Necromunda Delaque Gang
– A special artefact card for Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, earned by completing this month’s side-quest mission
– A super-sized Chaos Gargant card for use in the Glass-mad Gargant variant for Warhammer Underworlds
– A booster card which you can scan for the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Champions app
– A Gotrek Gurnisson character card for use in games of Warhammer: Doomseeker
– A Grombrindal card for use in the Warhammer 40,000 Dice Masters game

That’s it for this week. We can’t wait to see what these new units bring to the tabletop.  But, enough about us. What do you think about these new releases?

Let us know over on our Facebook Hobbies Group and make sure you check back next week and see what’s new from Games Workshop.