New GW Exclusive Minis, & Next Week’s Pre-Orders Revealed!

hor of space marine and chaos

GW is giving us new strategies to get our friends into the game, and new reasons to nag our FLGS people. Check out what’s going up on pre-order now!

New GW Exclusive Minis, & Next Week’s Pre-Orders Revealed!

Warhammer & Games Workshop stores around the world are about to celebrate. That means goodies for you! Keep an eye out (especially if you play 40k or Age of Sigmar) because when your local store celebrates their anniversary it means NEW miniatures, NEW art books, NEW poster prints, NEW backpacks, and NEW (useful) accessories.

Primaris Space Marine Captain

primaris captain

For you Warhammer 40,000 players, you can give your Adeptus Astartes army a new commander with the awesome Primaris Space Marine Captain armed with plasma pistol and power fist. And for denizens of the Mortal Realms, a new Nighthaunt Hero – Darrakar, Guardian of Souls – will bring the chill of the grave to your games.

Darrakar, Guardian of Souls


The two new art books are a feast for the eyes and soul.

Mark of The Traitor

mark of the traitor

…one packed with Warhammer 40,000 imagery, focusing on the twisted servants of the Dark Gods, and one for Warhammer Age of Sigmar which gathers lots of images on the theme of Death. Each of them is a hardback tome brimming with gorgeous (if somewhat grisly) art and is a perfect addition to any coffee table.

The Art of Death

the art of death

If you’d rather see your art all over your walls, there are two 40k and two AoS prints coming your way. These images are some really gorgeous pictures of the Warhammer universes. 

If you really love your list, you’ll take it to your FLGS in style with a backpack that displays your fealty, be it 40k or AoS.

anniversary bags

And for your datacards, whether 40k or AoS, you can keep them safe with the new deck box and storage folder.

deck box

datacards folder

So if you want to get in on any of those great things keep an eye out for your local store’s anniversary!


If you didn’t get enough new things from the past few weekends, here’s some more new expansions. This time, it’s Blood Bowl and Warhammer Underworlds. Shadespire is getting a huge card expansion. That will include new faction-specific cards and GW promises it will shake up the game’s play style.

shadespire cards

The new boards for Warhammer Underworlds are just as significant an expansion. Experienced players will know just how important setup is in Warhammer Underworlds, with your choice of board essential for your long-term strategy.

Buy one get two sides. This board pack has options that will add new flavor to how you start, play, and end your games. Be sure to look for what all these could mean for the game next week.

Next week is also a big week for the Naggaroth Nightmares. They’re debuting in Blood Bowl with accessories to match.

dark elf team

spike mag

dark elf dice

dark elf cards

dark elf pitch dugouts

dark elf ptich dugouts

dwarf cards

All of these expansions will be available for preorder next week.

Next out of the box with GW, How to Get Addicted To Gaming: Age of Sigmar Edition.

Just kidding.

GW is calling it Getting Started… but we all know what that means. Anyway, getting into AoS is about to be mainstreamed and more useful. That’s all thanks to a new round of boxed sets and a magazine focused on new hobbyists. And while the magazine is probably the perfect way to get your wife or girlfriend into AoS, it also comes with a sweet model.

getting started with aos


Basic, push fit, double-sided mat… need we say more? the Storm Strike box set is the perfect way to get that one friend into AoS. It’s got four battleplans that focus on the core mechanics of the game and even has painting guides to keep that aforementioned friend from painting everything Hello Kitty or Sailor Moon theme.storm strike

And here’s your one-hit-wonder; Tempest of Souls promises to be everything you want and more for teaching you how to play AoS.

tempest of souls

Want more? GW’s got that. Want everything you really will need? Buy this next one. Why would we say such a thing? Because there’s paint in this box. Oh, and a brush. The Tempest of Souls plus tools for building and painting might be a good deal just for the minis alone, but for noobs, it’s just plain perfect. You’re welcome.

tempest of souls everything box

These next sets won’t be ready for preorder until late July, but, we needed to tell you about them now!

You may have noticed that the previous edition’s Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter sets are being retired to make room for the new generation – but worry not, you’ll still be able to get all the models they contain – from the Khorgorath to the Lord-Relictor. The Khorne and Stormcast Eternals models are being split into two new Start Collecting! sets – both of these are great for bolstering your forces or starting a brand new collection.

goreblade warband

thunderstrike brotherhood

Now is the time to get your friends addicted. Be that friend. Grow your gaming community.

Let us know how this strategy works for you in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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