New GW Models, Projects, & Fall Releases ROUNDUP

By Rob Baer | October 10th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


If you missed all the big Games Workshop news from over the weekend, don’t miss this table top hobby breakdown!

Catch back up with all the news and rumors post hurricane weekend here in the states!

resin or finecast centos

GW’s New Made To Order Minis 3D Printed?

There is a ton of speculation going on this morning about GW’s new Made to Order service that has a lot hobbyists around the world chiming in.

40k codexes covers

Several 40k Codex Books No Longer Available?

Are the 8th Edition 40k winds of change already starting to blow across Games Workshop’s inventory supply of rule books? Come see the latest.

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New GW Exclusive Chaplain Model SPOTTED!

The covers have come off the newest exclusive model for Warhammer 40k from Games Workshop! Checkout the latest rules & sprue breakdown from this weekend.

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Secret New GW Project On the Horizon?

Something is going on at Nottingham as yet another new project looks to be on the way from Games Workshop. What could it be this time?


GW’s Fall Release Roadmap

What do YOU want to see, next?