New GW Previews Announced for Warhammer 40k, AoS & More

gw-previews-new-warhammerSurprise, Games Workshop just announced more new previews during the US Open Finale, which is actually this Friday!

The preview is actually quite late this time around (or insanely early if you’re in the UK or Europe), so we’ll cover everything, that way you can just check back in the morning if you forget to look at it that night!

New GW Previews Announced for the US Open

They promised four games will get revealed, and we have at least an idea of what will be this time for 40k. Let’s take a closer look at the upcoming preview from Warhammer Community at the US Open Finale!

GW Preview US Open 2

There will be juicy reveals for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, and Warhammer Underworlds. You can catch all the details on Saturday. Fair warning to our fans in the UK and Europe – you’re going to have to get up pretty early for this one… Tune in at 4am GMT on the 19th of November.

This is similar to when they do the reveals at LVO, as they wait until the night of that event to do them. When they say early for UK and Europe, they really mean it… as we don’t even know if we would classify 4 AM as early or late, either way, that’s the time!

GW Preview US OpenThese are the four games promised for reveals, and we have an idea, at least for a few of them.

Possible New Warhammer 40k Previews at the US Open Finale

Khorne berzerkersLet’s start with 40k reveals. First up, we expect plenty more for the World Eaters, as Guard is pretty much out of the way now. We’re not exactly sure how many new units they will get, but if it’s anything like the Imperial Guard releases, we might get a ton of new minis!

As of right now, we’ve already seen a few updated models, but there are still plenty more they could rework!

Next up, we think they will reveal more for Arks of Omen. Considering they teased it a few weeks ago, it would make sense for GW to keep the reveals rolling for it.

They haven’t said much in the way of rules for it yet, so there is still plenty to reveal.

New Age of Sigmar Previews

Dawnbringer previewsNext up for Age of Sigmar, there is a lot to reveal, as we’ve heard rumors of a new faction, and it would, in a way, make sense to do that now that Votann hype has died down.

However, it would make more sense for them to keep showing more for the Dawnbringer Crusade and the Cities of Sigmar.

New Necromunda Previews

Cinderak BurningFor Necromunda they have been doing a lot lately, and with Cinderak Burning in full swing, they could easily preview a new book or even more new units for the existing book!

Keep your eyes peeled, though, as more previews for the actual preview itself should be coming soon!

What are you wanting to see at the GW US Open Previews? Are you excited about the new World Eaters?

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