How Big Are The Keeper of Secrets, Syll’Esske Unboxing & Build

Don’t miss our unbox and build of the new Warhammer Slaanesh Models. Plus we build The Keeper of Secrets and Syll’Esske to compare them to other minis!

Pleasure mixed with a whole lot of pain! That is what the Chaos God Slaanesh is bringing not only to the world of Warhammer 40k but also the realms of Age of Sigmar.


Today we are going to take a look at the latest releases for the Slaaneshi reboot and see if they are worth your hard earned hobby dollars. Let’s take a look.


First, out of the gate, we get to see the new Fane of Slaanesh and the new Endless Spells for AoS. As far as the Fane of Slaanesh goes check out our video below for some cool conversion ideas that Rob would bring to the tabletop.


The Contorted Epitome and The Masque look to both be great releases for Slaanesh. As far as The Contorted Epitome goes, it also looks like that the two Daemonetts are separate assemblies which means that if you wanted, you could utilize these minis as Special Characters or some other conversion options.


The new Keeper of Secrets /Shalaxi Helbane it is not that hard to put together but there are a few pieces that are kind of thin. So, some care is needed when assembling this mini take it slow, and you’ll be fine for the most part. Here is the Shalaxi Helbane variant next to  Creature Caster’s Queen of Ecstacy for scale.


Syll’Esske: The Vengeful Allegiance is another mini that will take some care when assembling but, as you can see he is a monster on the tabletop compared to most minis, as he is almost three Primarus Marines tall!

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and press play on our Slaanesh unbox and build video below!