Checkout the most recent news from Secret Weapon Minis, about some great upcoming hobby products.
I am definitely stocked about some of these trench building accessories, because the customization possibilities are endless!
I also love the fact they keep coming out with 120mm bases as well, because besides being good for Dark Age Minis, they also fit Chaos Defilers perfect!
You can advanced order any of these great products now from our webstore.
From Secret Weapon Minis:
This month I’m bringing you a number of specialized new releases —
including our flexible sandbags. These work in any scale from 1/48 –
1/35 and look just fine with 28-54mm models.
I have also added to our incredibly popular line of ceramic bricks
with a grey mix — and some new ‘W’ style pavers.
The new Trencher Backpack will sit nicely on Warhammer 40k figures —
but does fit on a variety of the Warmachine models as well. A nice
addition for some variation when armies start to get static. This
product pairs nicely with our gas mask heads, of course, and the
Trench Works base line in beveled or round lip.
Our missing “Iron Deck” 120mm base has finally made it to the shop —
and I’ve added 80mm and 100mm solid and hollow blanks for the
Malifaux, Dark Age, and Bushido players out there. Rumor has it we can
expect more of these sizes from other popular lines as well.
As always if there’s anything that I can do to support you, your
store, or your customers please let me know.
We have big things in the work for 2013 and appreciate your continued support.
Thank you,
Justin “misterjustin” McCoy