New Holiday Battleforces & Specialty Games: First Look

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The latest new Games Workshop releases are here for the Holiday Season as Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, and even Necromunda are new this week!

They are finally here!  The holiday Battleforces have made their way to pre-order along with a host of products for Necromunda and Blood Bowl. Let’s take a look at what you might find under your tree this year.

Imperial Fists Supremacy Force: 99120101241_ImperialFistsSupremacyForce01

Space Marine Primaris Interdiction Force:99120101242_PrimarisInterdictionForce01

Idoneth Deepkin Deepsurge Raiding Party: 99120219013_DeepkinDeepsurgeRaidingParty01

Daughters of Khaine Devoted of Morathi: 99120212021_DevotedofMorathi01

The 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac:60040999008_BBAlmanac2018ENGHB

Necromunda: Rulebook: 60040599017_NecromundaRulebookHB

Necromunda Gangs of The Underhive:Necromunda Gangs of The Underhive

Death Guard Infection Cluster:99120102085_DeathGuardInfectionCluster01

Adeptus Mechanicus Fist of the Omnissiah:99120116021_FistoftheOmnissiah01

Seraphon Starclaw Strikehost:99120208024_SeraphonStarclawStrikehost01

Necrons Dominion Spearhead:99120110041_NecronDominionSpearhead01

Slaves to Darkness Godsworn Warband:99120201078_SlavestoDarknessGodsworn01

Craftworlds Asuryani Bladehost: 99120104061_AsuryaniBladehost

Delaque Gang:99120599008_DelaqueGang01

Blood on the Snow Pitch: 99220999011_Bloodonsnow01

Blood Bowl: Undead Pitch & Dugouts:99220907002_BBUndeadPitch01

Champions of Death:99120907001_ChampionsofDeathTeam01

Shambling Undead Card Pack:60220907001_UndeadCardPack01

Delaque Gang Cards:60220599008_NecromundaDelaqueCardsENG01

Necromunda Delaque Gang Dice Set:99220599008_DelaqueGangDiceSet01

Spike! Journal: Issue 4:60220907001_ENGSpikeJournalIssueFour01

Blood Bowl Undead Team Dice Set:99220907001_UndeadDice01

White Dwarf December 2018:60249999577_WD028Dec2018ENG01

That’s it for this week’s pre-release roundup, be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.