New Horus Heresy Book VI Retribution SPOTTED!

By Rob Baer | January 25th, 2016 | Categories: Forge World, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus heresy walpaper

It looks like the newest book for playing Horus Heresy will be on the way SOON! Come see the latest on Book VI: Retribution!

Via Forge World 1-25-2016

Hot off the presses, take a look at what arrived in the Forge World Studio today…
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I only managed to get a quick look inside, but it is absolutely packed with Legion rules, units, rights of war and more. I can’t wait to get my hands on it, and I’m told that a limited number should be available at The Horus Heresy Weekender. Don’t worry if you’re not going to be at the weekender though, I hear that The Horus Heresy Book Six – Retribution is expected to be released very soon after the event.
Here’s what the Studio has to say about the book at the beginning of the month!

Via  Battlebunnies  at Games Workshop’s 40th Birthday

New Alpha Legion & Book VI Retribution Spoilers

horus heresy book Vi retribution

-Will be available from the Horus Heresy Weekender
-Rites of Wars for Blood Angels, Dark Angels, White Scars and Shattered Legions. Possible new Rites for certain legions
-Tylos Rubio is being worked on right now by Israel
-No characters/units for new legions
-There will be a Meduson character that can be used as a HQ for all Shattered Legion armies. As he is so close with the Raven Guard and Salamanders he can be used in different army lists with the alternative Rites of War
-Certain equipment will be mentioned for each legion such as multi plasma arrangements for the Dark Angels and a special Glaive hand to hand weapon for
the White Scars.
-The Keshig will be upcoming for White Scars
-A new bike has been finished by Blake.
-Mastodon and Stormbird will appear
Further info we have also found out:
-Darren Parwood is working on a new knight
-A new air tile is being worked on right now that will accommodate the Stormbird/Thunderhawk. Not being completed until the Stormbird was finished (just to be sure the Stormbird doesnt go through the board!!). Stormbird is currently in printing production. Possible first appearance at Weekender

Checkout the rest of the pictures & info for the book and shattered legions, and GW 40th Birthday Event Below.

Games Workshop 40th Birthday Event Coverage

What rules do you want to see the most?


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