New Horus Heresy – Legion CCW Releases SPOTTED

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Wow you have to see these new close combat weapons (CCW) that are coming soon for the Legionaries of the Horus Heresy era!

Source: Mr Mystery 5-14-2016

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New Solar Auxillia

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Before Nurgle puts your brain on drugs?

Looks like there is a ton of more release to come on the close combat side of things here. New pole arms, scythes, and boarding shields a’la the Ultras for the power armor marines, and the Solar Auxillia are even getting in on the assaulting fun!

Plus checkout that drone! Whooo can’t wait to see the rules on these.

More on the way folks, keep it locked here:

Checkout all the pictures from the event below:

Warhammer Fest Round-Up

Are the New Flyer Rules OP? – Long War Podcast Episode 51