New Iron Hands Character is a Grimdark Mayor of Townsville

By Wesley Floyd | May 10th, 2019 | Categories: Iron Hands, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News

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We’ve spotted something about the new Iron Hands character that we can’t unsee. Check out the details on this new Primaris Space Marine!

Before the keyboard warriors launch a full internet assault on defending this model, we have to say it’s SICK. We think this screams Iron Hands and is definitely a welcome step in the right direction for the faction. We’d like to see every chapter get some love like the Iron Hands to be completely honest. Now, moving on to the model…

New Iron Hands Character is a Grimdark Mayor of Townsville


This is the Mayor of Townsville from the Power Puff Girls in 2005.


new iron hands primaris space marine spottedThis is Him Now. Feel Old Yet?

Even though he traded out his monocle for a cybernetic scalp implant on the right side of his head, the Mayor is coming in clutch for the Iron Hands Chapter. He’s even got important Space Marine hoses connecting to his handlebar mustache.

Let’s take a moment and seriously appreciate his upgrade to power armor. His mechanical arm can pick you up by your head while his under-arm taser fries you where the sun doesn’t shine. This really is the pinnacle of Imperial design. -Good job Admech!

Iron Hands Needed Some Love

Iron Hands

Really, as we’ve said earlier we are hyped about this guy’s release. We’re hoping to see some weapon options (like trading out the bolter for plasma or axe for thunder hammer) in the future. The Iron Hands really needed some love. With their Primarch being dead, power armor being trash in 8th edition, and being categorized as a “minor chapter”, Iron Hands players should take any kind of support they get from GW.

Are you going to flex this dude helmetless on the table or hope that they come with a helmeted option? Do you think he’ll be a named character with a few special rules? Should players even bother with repairing vehicles in 8th edition? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.