JOYTOY DKoK & Furioso Dread 40k Action Figures Spotted!

Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures BLood ANgels 11New JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures for the Death Korps of Krieg and Blood Angels including a Furioso Dreadnought have been spotted!

We’ve already seen a ton of Space Marines, but it looks like some humans might be next! We also just saw a bunch of stuff going on pre-order for people here in the States, so we’ll take a look at that first, then jump into all the new stuff!

40k JOYTOY Action Figures Hit Pre-Order in the USA!

joytoy entertainment earth pre orders

You can get all of the above from Entertainment Earth right now. The nice part is now you can even get a ton of the older releases as well! You can click any of the links below to go grab yours now!

The majority will be shipping out in October, but a few are in other months, so just keep that in mind when you’re ordering. If you want to see what some of the previous figures are like in person, check out Rob’s video on it below.

New JOYTOY Death Korps of Krieg Warhammer Action Figures

Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures BLood ANgels 1

Grab your shovels and fix bayonets because the new Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures are now a thing!

JOYTOY had an official reveal on Gcores for both the new DKoK and the new Blood Angels Action Figures including a Furioso dreadnought for Warhammer 40k!

Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures BLood ANgels 1

Factions other than Warhammer 40K Space Marines can finally be announced! This time, the size of the character returns to 3.75 with a scale of 1/18. Combined with JOYTOY’s past experience in soldier technology, we bring you the Krieg Death Corps with rich armed accessories with brand-new soldier skeleton and joint technology

Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures BLood ANgels 1

This image spotted on Facebook shows that these even match up with their 40k miniature counterparts from Kill Team even!

Dkok joytoy spotted

From the looks of it, these new Death Korps of Kreig JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures actually match up pretty close to the Kill Team models!

New JOYTOY Death Korps of Krieg Warhammer Action Figures

Just like we saw with the Imperial Fists now there is a demi-squad of the Sons of Sanguinius to look forward to as well!

Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures BLood ANgels 1Four models including an Aggressor look to be releasing separately along with the fabled Furioso pattern dreadnought!

Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures BLood ANgels 1

While obviously computer renders, the backs of these new JOYTOY Blood Angels 40k Action Figures look just as sharp as the fronts!

Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures BLood ANgels 1

Death Korps of Kreig (DKoK) JOYTOY 40k Action Figures BLood ANgels 1

The development of the Blood Angels this time is relatively simple. With the development experience of all the previous arbitrators, and the case of the Death of the Blood Angels, I believe that the quality of the big goods is worth looking forward to.

JOYTOY is really stepping up their Warhammer 40k action figure game as of late, eventually, perhaps we’ll get vehicles and maybe something larger like an Imperial Knight!

Click Here To Get Your JOYTOY Action Figures!

Will be picking up any of these JOYTOY Death Korps of Krieg 40k Action Figures, assuming both of these rumors are true? 

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