New Jungle Fighter Catachan Alternatives Hit Pre-order!

catachan jungle fighters hardcore minisThese new jungle fighters from Hardcore Miniatures make great Catachan alternatives, look amazing, and are packed full of detail!

If you’ve been looking for some amazing Catachan alternatives, you have to check these out! Each mini is available on its own, but why not get them all in one bundle? Every single mini in the bundle is a hero in its own right and based around some of the best jungle fighters in fantasy history! They are on pre-order now and will be out in January 2021.

Hardcore Miniatures has come out with a ton of awesome stuff this year, including the Orkbuster Megaboss. So it only makes sense they would close the year with a killer pre-order! Enough talking about them though, let’s jump into the coming minis!

New Jungle Fighters Bundle: $75.00

Jungle Fighters


Jungle Fighter


Jungle Fighter 2


Jungle Fighter 3


Jungle Fighter 5


Jungle Fighter 4Can you spot your favorite characters in here? Every single one of these minis is amazing in its own right, but when they’re put together as a squad they make a serious sight to behold. If you love what Hardcore Miniatures is up to, check out what else they have going on here.

Let’s look at the specs on this kit:

  • All 10 miniatures from the new wave of Jungle Fighters in 32 mm scale compatible with most popular game systems.
  • This is a pre-order item. Shipments will start in January 2021
  • Comes with NO bases!
  • Models come unpainted and disassembled!
  • Need to be washed in soap water before assembly!

Big Knife: $8.00

Big KnifeMachete! Who doesn’t want to play with this guy? These minis would make such an amazing vet squad in a Catachan army!

Good One: $8.00

Good OneYou feeling lucky punk? If you don’t know who this is modeled after, you may need to watch some more movies!

Sergeant Stone: $8.00

Sergeant StoneThis guy is perfect to lead your new squad into battle! He would even make a perfect Warlord for any Catachan army.

That does it for this one! Just be sure to go hop on the preorder and get yours secured early!

Get Your New Jungle Fighters Here!